
Can you put steel BBs in an air soft gun ?

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Can you put steel BBs in an air soft gun ?




  1. i'm pretty sure you can, but if you "war" with friends, they hurt much more than plastics.probably because they are heavier. after a while either they will start using them, or wont wanna war with you anymore. plus im pretty sure they're much more expensive than plastics

  2. The answer to this is a VERY clear NO.

    There are three main reasons for this answer.

    BB size. Steel BB's are typically .177 caliber, while airsoft BB's are .2 caliber. It's not a HUGE size difference, but it causes two problems.

    1. Because of the empty space around the BB in the chamber/barrell, the air will not push the BB as effectively through the chamber, resulting in a lot of bouncing around in the barrel, which drastically reduces both speed and accuracy.

    2. The smaller size makes it possible that the BB's will get stuck in the gears that feed the BB's into the firing mechanism. This would then destroy the gears which in most guns (nearly all of them that cost less than 100 bucks) to the point they will no longer feed BB's.

    The OTHER problem is a result of weight.

    Steel BB's weigh a lot more than plastic ones. Even the heavier airsoft BB's are considerably lighter than steel BB's. The extra weight will cause a slower shot, coupled with the hardness of steel BB's may wear down on the firing mechanism (depending on HOW the particular airsoft gun operates)

  3. iuno, sounds like it would work, but if its like spring i don't think it wud go quite far lol... stick with the plastics lol

  4. i would not recommend metal bbs for electric or spring. metal bbs are for only co2 or those gas ones because the fps is much higher then electric. I would recommend a .23-.25 for 400 FPS, .20-.22 for 300fps, and 250 fps and lower i would recommend .12 or so.

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