
Can you put tree limbs in with a domestic bird like a cockatiel or lovebird?

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Can you put tree limbs in with a domestic bird like a cockatiel or lovebird?




  1. Absolutely you can cut to fit and use small tree limbs for perch's.

    You must however make certain the tree was Never sprayed with any chemical's that could harm or kill your birds.

    Also make certain they are from bird safe tree's.

    You can do a

    search for Bird Safe Tree's

    Birds chew their perch's so apple, pine, eucalyptus, and other's can be used. Should use a stiff clean and chemical Free clean brush to clean them off of any dirt before cutting to fit for perch's.

    Do the search, the list is long of safe wood for birds, I just can't recall other's right now.

    Also you could fasten a smaller branch for your sized birds to chew the leaves from and play on and with.

  2. umm...huh?

    Are you asking whether it's good to put twigs and branches in with a canary/parrot type of bird?

    if that's the case i suggest you don't.If there's only one bird i suggest a mirror which'd made him feel less lonely

  3. yes, they would love it and it will provide hours of entertainment

    but you have to be careful about what kind of tree it comes from

    some trees are poisonous and some might have been sprayed

    with chemicals, I always used willow branches, the birds will eat and chew the leaves and the bark and they love it

  4. Absolutely!!

    Birds get many benifits from chewing and climbing on natural perches.

    It's great for the claws and beaks, helps with boredom, supplies some nurtients and gives their little feet a good workout and stretch.

    Some branches / trees are toxic to birds however, but check out this link for lists of toxic and safe branches.

  5. birds are healthier and happiier with a couple of branches, it gives them something to chew and shred as they would in the wild!

    also it helps stop a lot of foot problems

    (if a bird is on round plastic sticks all day, there feet can become stiff and they can loose their ability to grab, as well as nail problems , turned foot probles.. etc)

    branches of different sizes (widths) give them the exercise and movement like they would get in nature.

    BUT.. make sure the tree wasn't sprayed and make sure it is not poisonious.. something that those birds nest in in the wild...

    for a cockateil i use.... bottle brush, wattle.. eucalypt...

    my birds are never without ... they even have a bird stand made of natural timbers, just for chewing on .. and they LOVE. it...........

  6. Its better to put them in the cage then the perches the store gives you or else your birds feet will stay locken in a circle all the time. On branches they have to open and close in different sizes. :)

  7. yes, but it must be clean and lovebirds might shred the stick/branch to bits.

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