
Can you put your horse out to pasture, and leave the farm?

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If I put my horse out to pasture for the day, can I leave him there grazing while I go to town to do errands for a couple of hours, or should I bring him in to his stall? There would be nobody else there while I was gone. What do you guys usually do?




  1. i feed my horses a 4 in the morning, turn them out at 4 30, go to the track to work and don't get back until dark most nights, it's absolutely okay

    as long as you have good fence.

    it's good to be friends with the neighbors and make sure they have your cell phone (if you have one) number to call in case the horse gets out of the pasture (it happens with the best of fences, horses are just like that) or any other emergency

  2. I think that he will be perfectly fine, but if it made you feel more comfortable, you could put him in his stall. My horses are kept out in pasture all day long with accessibility to shelter and I've never had a problem. And it sounds as if he's accustomed to the pasture/fencing so I would say go ahead and don't worry about it.

  3. If you have quality fencing, and the weather conditons are decent, than he,  or she should be fine for 2 or 3 hours. You know your horse more than we do, can he or she handle it? Its up to you, but your horse should be fine.  

  4. my horses stayed out all day and night with water and shelter.  the only time they were in was in bad weather or they were sick.

  5. my horse is out in pasture 24/7 but he can go in to his stall when ever he he should be fine

  6. I sure hope so!  We turned ours out to pasture in late May & left them there.  We were on vacation & we leave on weekends, etc.

    We have someone who checks on them if we are going to be gone for more than a day, but otherwise, they are just out!

  7. my mare has complete access to her pasture.. she just has a lean-to that she can walk into. she had a stall that had no door, but she prefered the lean-to so we took the stall out of the barn to make more room for hay.

    just make sure he has plenty to do and nothing is in there that he could get hurt on.. or if he has common sense, he should be fine.

    my mare knows her pasture well enough that she could go blind and walk through it without problems..

    honestly, you dont have to worry about him. horses in the wild are left alone to graze all the time without people watching over them, and they survived for how long???

  8. my horse is out 24/7 his stall door is always open,but if your horse isn't used to it and there is alot of grass your horse could founder,but they can usually stand like 2-3 hours out on a field even if they aren't used to it....

  9. Take time to let them get used to eating the grass by giving them turn out for an hour the first couple of days, two or three the next few days and then if the fencing is secure and no one or nothing (dogs come to mind) can get to them, they'd be very happy, most likely.

  10. for few hours theres nothing wrong with that

  11. Check all of your fencing and gates before leaving. Last week, two horses got loose from a pasture by the barn I work at. It was at night and one was hit by a car and died. I guess the gate was not secure or something. So just be extra cautious if you're going to leave for a short period of time!!

  12. He will be fine as long as your fencing is good and there is nothing in the pasture to hurt him. As long as you dont leave him there for days at a time, he can stay in the pasture. Its only a few hours, right?


    Oh, wait. Is there loads of grass out there that he dosnt normally have access to? Because if he over eats, he could colic or get laminitus or founder. But that is only if you leave him out there for like, 4 days straight.

  13. he will be A O K.

    my ollld trainer person left her horses on pasture while she went camping for the weekend...he'll be fine :]]

  14. wow my horses are never stalled unless it is storming outside, they hate being in the stall, if they are, they start acting stupid and want to get back out in the pasture

    dont worry, if he just hangs around the pasture and grazes instead of running around in the pasture then he should be fine

    but if he is like running and bucking and stuff then i would just bring him in while you go to town, cause since he is used to being in the stall more, he could get hurt  

  15. If the fences are good there should be no problem - mine are out 24/7 and I don't stay on site - I can't be there all the time.

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