
Can you "pass" in chess?

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When it comes your turn in chess and your better off not making a move can you so called "PASS"(not move any pieces)

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  1. Someone was kind enough to quote from my chess site. Thanks! If it is your turn to move and you would rather pass then you are in zugzwang. Only a beginner would ask if he can pass. I got an email from someone is Australia wanting to know if he can pass in chess, I answered his question and also told him to buy a chess rule book! It was after that that I added the no pass part to my beginner's page!

  2. No.  In fact the term Zugszwang is used for those positions where "pass" wold be the best move.

    No, I'm not making that term up.:)

  3. Not allowed.  In fact, I would say that you resign (surrender) by passing.  It is an admission that you have been backed into a corner.

  4. When you would rather "pass", the situation is called ZUGZWANG and the one who would rather not move is forced to do so and loses.

  5. NO

  6. You can pass. If you can't move a piece, you can pass and give your turn to your opponent.

  7. No.  

    Chess is based on coming to a conclusion and if one player could pass then the next player might want to pass also, so you would get a stalemate of sorts.  So it is not practical in this game.  I believe that games that have points are more likely to include the concept of passing, such as Scrabble.

    Since you don't like wikipedia, here is another site that says the same thing.

  8. no you can't, click on new to chess, shows the rules

  9. i do but only when i play with my little brother since he does not know how to play

  10. YES/NO

    No you cannot pass; you must move something on your turn.

    However -

    When you're in a position where you would like to pass, just make what I call a "null move".  In other words, move a piece that will not effect the game. It may even be a move that you will move back on your next turn.  That in essence is the same as passing but it is the legal way to do it.  If any available move will only worsen your position that is what is commonly known as LOSING.

  11. NO

    Consider the stalemate rule.  There is a stalemate when the player whose turn it is to move

    1. is not in check

    2. has no legal move

    If you could simply "pass" there would never be a stalemate, because the player who could not move could just pass until a legal move could be made.

    Only rules for beginners will state that you may not skip a turn, because only a beginner would ask such a dumb question.  Check out chess beginner sites, like this one:

    It actually says "you may never skip your turn" on it, because it's writtien for beginners.

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