
Can you "think yourself thin" and lose weight?

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How can the Law of Attraction help in weight loss? Some people say "Think and you'll be thin.." How can this be true?




  1. No.  The "Law of Attraction" is nonsense.  If you want to lose weight there is only way:  Eat less and exercise.

  2. The Law of Attraction will help you lose weight because you are what you think. If you think lean - ask to be lean - you will be guided there. It is the universal law. If you are sincere in your intention, you cannot fail.

    Failing to think thin is what causes most people to fail in their application of good actions. They may be thiniking, "I wish I could be thin", rather than "I am thin". By thinking thin, you are already on your way to thin. Though I would ask you to meditate briefly on what thin means to you. You can take action on your intention by doing what your intuition brings you. You can begin by visiting the sites below and see if the info there makes sense in light of what you intend for yourself.

    Unless we feel 100% confident of our appearance and our physical capabilities, we will tend to compare ourselves to others and say, “I want to be like that person”.

    Hence the commercial success of celebrity diets, celebrity endorsed abdominal exercise machines, and the like. Believing the celebrity is perfect, we aspire to be like them so we can be perfect, too.

    However, in the diet and fitness stakes, there's no point in betting on that same "perfection" because we are all unique.

    Fact: no two people on planet earth are identical. Each person has his or her unique set of genes (which is why DNA testing can identify a single individual from all others); plus each person has his own unique set of experiences.

    This doesn't mean it’s wrong to have role models, only that you shouldn’t expect to duplicate their attributes exactly. You can use role models to benchmark your own achievements but your outcomes will be those which are biologically ideal for you.

    You can achieve your own ideal body weight, not someone else's, because your body is unique. Lean doesn't mean lightweight; it means no excess body fat. And fitness simply means striving for your personal best.

    There's good reading on losing excess body fat and adopting healthy diet and fitness routines at:

    Also, for the seriously overweight:

    Good links and downloads to get you on your way to your ideal physical self.

  3. Diet and exercise is a what makes the pounds come off, but having the right mind set and attitude about your goal is half the battle. I do not believe you can think yourself thin, but your mind does play an important part.

  4. Thinking will not break the laws of physics. Think conservation of energy.


    i dunno perhaps it is effective

    i have tried it once.

    it was!

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