
Can you rate my gaming website?

by  |  earlier

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Hi guys,

I recently started a new website, and it would be really great if you can criticize me to teach me how to improve. Anyways, heres the website:

You guys can participate in my forums, and help make the site grow better and more popular!

Thanks a lot if you looked




  1. It looks like you need a little work but so far so good in my opinion

  2. Write articles about your website or ideas.

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  3. Good Job Way to go

  4. First off, I'd get rid of the backgrounds and expand the layout to fit the entire window. General layout works though. Simple to use and understand.

    The music makes for a nice addition, but it gives it a very casual, 'inside' feel. I don't know who is supposed to be using this site so depending to whom its intended this can go either way. If its friends - great! If not, you're better off without.

    Dictionary - maybe making your own dictionary of gaming terms would be more interesting. Right now, the one there isn't even functional.

    Forums - You've got the "Events" category twice, by the way. "Beginner Section" is a little misleading and could be replaced by the title "Introductions".

    One thing you could do would be to post a picture of each game in the forum on the home page like you already started, and link the pictures to their corresponding sections, although you'd have to make said pictures a little smaller.

    If you want to up traffic, you can always make yourself a signature for various gaming forums of a nice image with your home page address in it.

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