
Can you really be fired for this?

by Guest60290  |  earlier

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My best friend was fired from her job today.

Apparently she post a blog on myspace venting frustration about her job, but at the same time saying how she loved everyone. One of her brown nosing co-workers printed it and showed it to her boss who immediately fired her on the spot for naming the business she works for in the post.

Can you really be fired for that? Isn't that considered freedom of speech? Help me and her out. We both work at the same place and if that's the people I work with I'd like to get out very quickly. (lol).




  1. If she lives in an AT WILL state , they can fire you for just looking goofy. In most cases if you Defame your Employer Publicly You can Get the CAN.

  2. it depends on which state you work in.  virginia, where i live, the rule is you can pretty much be fired with or without a reason given by your employer.  so if that's the way in your state, yes, she can get fired like that.  

  3. freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want about the government and that the government cannot tell you to shut up. In a free country, people who own a business can do whatever they want in their business within reason. hire, fire, lay-off, even tell their workers to wear blue hats on sundays and ugly hawaiian shirts on fridays. why would the government violate the business-owners freedoms? why would she want to work for a company that doesnt want her to work for them? how embarrasing! If its so unfair, than quit and get a job at a place you think deserves your abilities . i mean this without any disrespect.

  4. Sure they can fire her.   Her freedom of speech rights were not violated, she was not arrested for airing her views.

    She was fired for slandering her company.  Since she obviously does not like the company she had no business there in the first place.

  5. Yes you can be let go for this, she is slandering the companies name, as well as violating company policy.  She does have the right to complain on myspace she just should have not mentioned the name of her employer.  They would actually could file a lawsuit against her if they wanted to press charges, so she is getting off easy.  If you have issues with your employer there are legal ways to go about it, you can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Commission (EEOC), the State, or if it's really bad consult a lawyer who specializes in employment law.

    HR Recruiter, 10+yrs exp.

  6. You can be fired for no reason at all.

  7. Employment in the United States is "at will," meaning that if either party wants to end the relationship, they can (unless there is an employment contract).  So, yes, your employer could fire your friend for what she did (or for nothing at all).

  8. Yes, she can, i don't know if you ever read the fine print when your doing your paper work when you first get hired its called a hire package if you read it right it clearly states that they can fire you with no reason.

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