Yesterday somebody asked a question about Wuthering Heights, asking us about the meaning, tone and significance to the story of a few quotes for their homework. They didn't give sufficient information for me to tell them the tone or significance, either. I told them this, and requested that they please do their own homework.
Well apparently, they reported me to be in violation of the Community Guidelines, and I'm not sure that's fair. (It said that I didn't provide an actual answer. But the questioner really didn't even provide enough information for me to answer with, anyway.) Can you really be reported for that? Should I follow the link to say that I think it's a mistake, or just let it go? Because I'm a little ticked, and I want second opinions on it.
(Maybe I'm in the wrong section, too. But I thought I'd ask here because that's the section the "violation" *rolls eyes* occured in, and maybe somebody else in here has experienced the same thing.)