
Can you really believe...?

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That a guy who thinks that under GW Bush, the US economy has made "great progress" is really going to deliver ANY kind of change from policies he appears to agree with 90% of the time?




  1. MD.. Level 6 WOW... you go dude.. but obviously you need to lay off of here for a while and read a little more instead of watching CNN for your thoughts and indoctrinations.

    Your question makes you sound like a pull string doll with a canned CNN quote.

    I challenge you to make a list of 10 things you morally hold near and dear to yourself and then research both candidate and see who falls more in line with your views.  

    Our country has seen many ebbs and flows with respect to the economy regardless of who the president was..  I would hope the economy is not the sole reason you are anti-McCain.  If it is then I can only assume it is because of your own economic situation.  If that is the case then spend less time on here and focus more on bettering yourself and your situation.    

  2. Change will only come if it's bipartisan: both parties working together.

    McCain has a proven record of working with Democrats (even Joe Biden said he would be glad to "run with or against" McCain).

    Obama is absolutely allergic to Republicans.

  3. I believe Mccain more than I believe Obama. But I have suffered under Obama's "leadership" for awhile now.

  4. i think he's redifining the word, change, to mean "a lot more of the same"

  5. McCain has voted all over the place most of his career.  He has been a maverick for most of it.  He voted for Bush's policies 90% only ONE year out of 26

  6. Can you really believe in a guy who votes with Democrats nearly 100% of the time, when not voting present, and tries to display change, yet his Democratic Majority has a worse rating than the President right now and they are on VACATION.

    Atleast I don't see George taking off when the country needs a leader, like the Dems.

    So much for change.


    To answer your question, in the "phony war" we are succeeding, so nice try. I don't see him taking this much time off for vacation. If Congress wanted to change something, like they promised to do if they became a majority, then they shouldn't be on vacation right now. They should be trying to change the government like they promised. If they would have done that in the first place, then I would have had no problem with them taking a vacation, but since the DO-NOTHING, liars of Congress has yet to do anything in terms of change, then they don't deserve vacation. I would much rather have a Republican in office than more of them.

    Bush is only one man and not all people like him, but he only represents one person on the party.

    Congress represents numerous Democrats and they all failed us.

    The odds are better with Republicans, if you can do the math.

  7. Yes because he is a politician. Politicians never say w3hat they know is true but what they think will con people into voting for them.

  8. No! I can't fathom why this race is so close. Is anyone better off after this 8 year republican regime? No offense to republicans but the George W thinking has got to go!  

  9. 80% of Americans disappove of Bush but the Obama McCain race is tied 50-50.

    Obama will need to work harder than that to close the deal. Just repeating the slogans that McCain = Bush is not working.

  10. Can you really believe this race is as close as it is?

    Bush has absolutely trashed our reputation and our economy, yet a lot of people seem to want four more years of this.  Who the heck are the other 40, or so, percent of the country?  Are these people masochists, or are they retarded?

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