
Can you really blow through online classes in a few weeks?

by  |  earlier

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Im in grade 11 and i have to take a couple courses online, is it true you can finish them in less than half the time you normally would if you took it in a normal class? sounds to good to be true :(




  1. It depends on the class.  My BA101 class...I was able to finish early (except for the final), but in my Accounting mm no way.  It really does depend on your dedication, and effort that you are willing to put in and the work load that the course requires. My Business class I had completed all the work in 4 weeks.  But at the same time, due to the workload, I am staying even in accounting. And it helps to believe in yourself. If you want it then get it! Don't forget to remain positive.

  2. May be this site can help you

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