
Can you really demand respect?

by Guest64954  |  earlier

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Can you really demand respect?




  1. They have all said it...You cannot demand respect, you have to earn it.  If you demand it, then it's more likely that you don't deserve it. When people respect you without you having to ask them, then you are truly a respectable person.

  2. I think you can demand for respect. The only thing is that I doubt whether you will get it if you took that route. You will most likely get pretence that you are respected, not genuine respect.

    The best way to ask for respect is by respecting yourself first and then demonstrating that, followed by respecting others and they will in turn respect you. That to me is the best route ot the better way.

  3. I think self- respect and mutual respect should be the cornerstone of humanity an underpinning of society where we are innocent until proved guilty.

    I think I demand a certain set of human rights just by existing.

    No one has to like  me I just need air space food and warmth and some human contact in order to survive.

    I think the arguments about earning respect get dodgy when there are so many different evaluations of what actually is deserving of respect - you cant please all the people all of the time.

    Respect is often conditional on believing in the same god or political viewpoint or having the same skin tone or accent.

    So yes until I do something absolutely outrageous and lose my humanity status I expect and would demand a level of respect at every interaction as I give out respect at every one of my interactions.

    To do otherwise is surely prejudice?

  4. In my particular case, I've often asked myself if I can demand respect from someone else specifically.   You can give someone respect  and be respectable and not get it back in return. Such as when someone cheats on someone else, or when someone is assaulted, violated. I don't think you can "earn" respect. There are people who are just disrespectful. That is their way. There are people who don't respect human life. But I have tried to demand  respect,  in different ways.  I've  fought to get it. I've cried and prayed to get it. I've consulted lawyers, doctors and magicians to get it. However, if I stop and don't demand it, then I am sure not to get it. Some people are inconsiderate and just don't care about others.Yes, I can demand respect, but I'm not always going to get it. But everybody deserves it, whether you demand it or not. To say someone doesn't deserve it because they demand it, is to disregard the most essential human need.

  5. No you can only earn someones respect!

  6. No. True respect is earned. By way of character, virtue or contributions of one's self.

  7. no, even cops can't, thought they try. some people think some jobs COME WITH it, which is incorrect.

    you can lose respect, never demand. people should not be put in a position to "earn it" either, because people should give that anyway.

  8. I don't think so. In fact, the ONLY Respect I think we even DESERVE- is Self Respect. What we ARE- must grow from within Us...- we're NOT going to "earn it" from beyond. When we aspire to make OURSELVES better People- all that "good stuff", like Admiration, Respect & Attention,- all seems to come of it's OWN accord. "Wanting" to be Anything, isn't GOOD enough. You have to MAKE Yourself THAT- to BECOME something BETTER. Otherwise, what good is ANYONE's Respect..?  :)

  9. To get respect you first of all have to give it, as it works both ways, you cannot demand it

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