
Can you really find 4 leaf clovers?

by  |  earlier

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You see them all the time in movies and commercials, but can you really look hard at the ground to find a 4 leaf clover?




  1. I have found 3 in my lifetime

  2. yes i have found many of them

  3. yes

  4. I have found so many of them over the years , that yes they are out there and not that rare at all.

  5. Apparently yes, because my daughter found one last summer. I've been looking for forty years, nothing. She goes out as a six year old and finds one the first time she looks.

  6. I can scan a group of clover & pick out 4-leaf clovers whenever I want. There is a difference in the pattern. I don't even pick them anymore, I've found so many. (Hundreds!)

  7. Yes.  You can find them in clover patches if you look long enough.  They are difficult to spot.

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