
Can you really purchase traffic for a website?

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I have been trying to figure out how to get traffic to a website before I start one so it's not dead ? So I have googled traffic for website and these websites come up where you can purchase website traffic? Does this even work or is it a scam? Has anyone tried it? HOW DOES IT WORK? That is what really makes me curious...




  1. That traffic will be as useful to you as you taking the money and giving it to a family of mice so they can make it into nesting material.

    Make your site, build it up with content. Focus on appearance also, no one want to see the same site templates over & over.

    Traffic will come eventually and you will have saved your money. Once the traffic starts coming in some will bookmark you & return. Make sure you give them the ability to Digg, Stumble & etc.. your site.

    One time on the front of Digg is worth more than 6 months of normal traffic.

    Good Luck in what you do,


  2. Yes purchased traffic can be good if purchased from the right people.  You should look into targeted traffic and checkout

  3. You can bid on key words or phrases to gain top ranking on search engines whick is key to gaining traffic.

    These are free;

    Here are a few sites to help you: (they are still allowing me to submit sites for free with this)- Join the free afiliate program use the free $20 dollar offer, do $5.00 a day for 4 days

    This one costs money, but they are good, and your money goes a long way:

    Here is a good reference site that ranks all sites on the web by traffic volume:

  4. my advice to you is if you are going to buy traffic.. along with the other advice you have received is to make sure you direct that traffic to a signup page...get their name and email to fully maximize your investment

  5. I would be better to try to get traffic on your own. Less expensive that way and has much better results. Here is a link where an eBayer is selling 10 eBooks on traffic for just $15

  6. Hi

    You can purchase those traffic but the problem is, they're not targeted traffic and that means you will not get the result that you desire from these traffic. These are basically quick fix and you wouldn't want them unless you don't care if your visitors spend money or not.

    I suggest use service from sites like because they offer long term solution. You will eventually rank high for your keywords and, at the end of the day, you will receive free and targeted traffic.

    You decide!

  7. I use autosurf programs like to get free hits to your site. They help a lot in getting your website higher in the search engines. I have never paid for any advertising and my sites do well in search engines.

  8. I agree with is kinda a scam, you get the traffic but its just absolute garbage....I made the mistake of buying it when I first started out, actually I made a lot of mistakes but I'm learning.

    One of the best ways to get traffic to your website is article marketing, I love it.  Writing articles about your website can rank high with search engines and bring tons of traffic to your website.

    Hope that helps and answers your question.

  9. Not so effective way.

  10. Yes, you can purchase traffic for your website but the question you should ask yourself is "how much quality is this traffic?"

    For example, there are places where you can buy traffic but you will not get many clicks or buyers of your product because the traffic is not niched.

    The only reason, in my opinion, that paid traffic sources will work is if you need to show a large company like Nike that you have a large volume of traffic to get them to buy advertising space on your site.

    This will help you beef up your hits to your site.

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