
Can you really see anything if you do the "Scrying" mirror?

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This lady told me once that she saw the back of her future husbands head when she was a small child...her aunt set up a mirror in front and one well as water..and aluminum foil..or something like you think this is real?




  1. Yes but usually you need to practice to get good at it.  Sometimes people are naturally adept at it but that is rare.  Children are better at it because they don't have the disbelief the many cynical adults have and try to instill in the young.  Scrying can be done many ways and you can use crystal balls, crystal clusters, candles, or water in a black bowl.  It sounds like what you were talking about was just one ritual method. Blessed be.

  2. Hmmm.....I've heard that the legend of Bloody Mary was created from a Halloween tradition of a young, unmarried girl going into a drak, abandoned house and walk up the stairs backwards while looking into a hand mirror. By doing this, she would see her future husband behind her (creepy). If she saw the face of death/grim reaper, it meant that she would die single (still creepy).

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