
Can you really see gosts?

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If you have ever seen or heard a gost or talked with a gost what happend and what was said?




  1. The other day a piece of card stuck onto the fridge flew off about 2 metres and hit the cat! A few odd things have happened in our house, my sister swears that when she was coming home from school one time coming through our garden gate that she saw a man in his late teens/early twenties with blond hair and modern clothes standing behind my mother, who was by the window greeting her. When she came in and said, "Who was that? Where is he?" My mother had no idea who she was on about!

    I and everyone else living here have heard things during the night - someone/something running up and down the stairs, walking about outside our rooms, etc. As far as we know, no one has died in this house as my parents have all the details of the previous owners here.

  2. i belive in them i mean what explanins a quija board? if your playing with people who dont know anything about the situation and you know your not moving it?

  3. I've never seen a gost but I think I might have seen a ghost once.

  4. Most people can see whatever they want to see or hear. Our brains have sufficient powers of suggestion and imagination to make ghosts appear when we need them to. It is in fact much harder for most people to see the reality how it is, and use the scientific method for determining what is real from what is imagined.

    Since science has never been able to capture the existence of ghosts, I have to conclude that until proven wrong, ghosts are unlikely to have any reality other than in the minds of those who imagine them.

  5. My father and stepmother, her son and daughter-in-law, and my second sister were staying in my step-brother's house in upstate New York about 20 years ago. My sister, who was sleeping in a bedroom with a wall against the kitchen woke about 5 AM to the sound of footsteps coming up the gravel path. The outside kitchen screen door opened and closed and there came the sound of somebody rummaging around the kitchen, a drawer pulled out and in, etc. A chair was pulled out and somebody seemed to sit there, then it was pushed in, footsteps, the screen door opened and closed, and after that no sound. During that time my sister, an English professor, woke up and sat up in stark terror on the bed. Later when everyone came down they all laughed at her imagination. My father said it must have been a cat, which riled her. The main door I might add was still locked with a deadbolt. Sometime later my step-brother who was going to work early for some reason was brushing his teeth at the kitchen sink when he saw a man about 6', with blond hair, and wearing a blue cap walk in front of the kitchen window. He looked down a second when the glass he was filling spilled over and when he looked up nobody was there. Asking around, he found that the man who had built that house fit that description, had been put into a nursing home by his kids, and died there when he fell down the stairs. In another visit my step-mom was pulled from the bed by such a force that my father, a retired astronomer, had to hold her with all his might, and another time the same happened to my step sister-in-law. During the winter the woodstove was kept filled with wood, and once my step sister-in-law walked right through this ghost or whatever he was. These are the experiences and the way that they were described by all the people involved.

    The other story is a good friend of my doctor eldest sister (the elder twin of the second sister) was a doctor with a clinic in an old house in upstate New York also. She started having things moved around at night in her clinic, and when a microscope was thrown on the floor she put thread with wax on the door and windows. Things were still moved around and none the threads disturbed, so she got a priest who did some exorcism rituals but with no effect. She then got a medium who stayed the night in the room. The medium said that there was a small child of the house who'd gotten thrown from a horse-drawn sleigh who never knew that he was dead. She evidently convinced him that he was dead and since then my sister's friend had no problem.

    This is not a ghost story, but the son of a very good friend of this same elder sister died of leukemia at the age of twelve. He had had a love to the point of obsession with red tailed hawks. For the three days after he died a red tailed hawk would come sit on the railing of the porch of their house for an hour each day.

    I have some more stories, one told to me by the Lutheran priest in Endicott, Washington, some decades ago about a man coming to his child in one of the bedrooms of the parish house terrifying the child so they had to lock up the room and leave it unused, and a number of stories in Nepal, which seems rich with these stories but also seems to mix up fact with fiction, as they associate the women ghosts with pregnant women who die before birth who come as beautiful women and haunt men's dreams night after night draining the life force out of the men -- possibly having to do with the dynamics of power between men and women -- and dead men hovering around hidden wealth. In fact I stayed in a house in Palpa which was reputed to have such a male ghost which unfortunately I did not see, maybe fortunately, because they are of course said to be lethally malevolent. There was a young man in my wife's house in Chitwan, who reported that a beautiful woman was coming to him every night and seducing him, and he really was looking worse and worse. But I had a sense that he really wanted out from the situation and needed a credible excuse or else his unhappiness took a culturally acceptable form. Anyway, he left and started a car repair garage and last I knew was doing fine.

  6. repeat after me ... G H O S T ...H is for GHOST!!

    just kidding........

    well i remember once that when my grandma sister died ( she lived with us ) once i left her room door open (light closed, i can see little of her room ) i saw her shadow and she was calling me (by hands ) as if she is in hurry or something is after her ... i almost pee'd in my pants and ignored her as if nothing happened and rushed to the bathroom laughing ........ really laughing... don know why.... but i WAS LAUGHING

  7. The house I grew up in became haunted when const. workers started digging huge crater sized holes in the field behind our house, to build a huge shopping center.  I saw and experienced several ghostly encounters for the last 8 years I lived in that house.  Other family members had their experiences as well.  My very 1st encounter was when I heard our back door slam, & then I heard loud running footsteps down our hallway. I got up to investigate, thinking the dog had gotten in the house, but when I got to the back door it was deadbolted.  I then became a little scared and went back to my room to watch some t.v. before going to sleep.  After about 10 min. I felt as if someone was watching me, so I looked over in my doorway & there was a man standing in the doorway.  His feet were about 12 inches off of the ground, & I could see him but I could also see right thru him.  I was only about 14 yrs. old @ the time so my 1st reaction was to thro the covers over my head asking God to make whatever that thing was in my doorway to go away.  I stayed under my covers,sweating, and not being able to breathe, but when i finally peaked out he was gone. Almost every night after that me and my family would hear all kinds of noises keeping us awake--clangs & bangs. Our TV would turn on & off.  My dad told me that one night he was sitting in our living room reading the newspaper by himself while the rest of us were in bed sleeping-my mom in their room, my bro in his, & me in mine. He said that he seen something moving in the corner of his eye. He looked over to our hallway & seen a man ghost w/ a little boy by his side go to each of our 3 bedrooms doorway & look inside as if they were checking up on us. My dad said he sat there & watched them go from bedroom to bedroom about 3 diff times. Just so u know, my father was the type that did not believe in anything along the lines of ghosts or any supernatural. So when he would tell us things like that, we knew 100% he really did see it! I could go on forever about all the experiences I had, so I'll quickly tell a couple more....... One night my mom gave me a stack of my clothes she had washed & told me to hang them up, I was too tired so I threw them on top of my chair & went to sleep instead. I was awoke that night w/ the feeling of not being able to breathe, I sat up in bed & @ the foot of my bed stood a pioneer woman ghost shaking her finger @ me in disgust & pointing @ my clothes on the chair that I was supposed to have hung up. She then started folding my clothes, I thought I was dreaming the whole thing since I was so tired, so i laid back down & went back to sleep. The next morning I went to hang up my clothes & all of them were folded in a very unique pressed way (I had never seen clothes folded like that before in my life!) I asked my mom if she came in my room last night & folded my clothes like that-she said no & said she had never seen clothes folded like that before either--It had to have been the pioneer woman!  When I was in college I had another strange experience during the day. I was sitting @ my desk in my room, writing a paper that was due, when I seen things moving kind of behind me in the far corner of my eye. When I turned around to see what it was, I seen a little boy, about 2 yrs old, w/ bright red curly hair, wearing jean overalls, sitting indian style, taking each of my shoes out of my closet, & was making a huge circle in front of him w/ my shoes, by placing them heel to toe!! I sat there in amazement of what I was seeing, since I knew I wasn't dreaming this time. I calmly asked the little boy who he was?, what was he doing?,what was his name?.....but he never even looked at me the entire time. I started to get up & move a little closer to him & when I got too close he just disappeared!! But my shoes were still in the same circle he had made w/them in the middle of my bedroom floor. Again, just like when I saw the other 2 ghosts, I could see vivid detail of what he was wearing & w/this little boy his red hair stood out, but you could tell he was a ghost because he wasn't solid, you could see right thru him. Some people don't believe it or look @ me like I had to have been on drugs @ the time when I tell of my experiences in that house---But I swear everything is true & no one in my family,including myself did any kind of drugs whatsoever. We were a very old-fashioned family. I can't explain what caused all of those strange things to happen. All I know is that I really did see those things(ghosts), heard things, & saw strange events happen around us w/ dishes, T.V's, etc. almost every night! I've only told you a few incidents that happened, because there are way too many events to tell everything in a Yahoo Answer box---I & my family experienced so many unexplainable, supernatural things in that house, that I could probably write a book.

  8. what is a 'gost'?

  9. I spoke with the spirit of my father-in-law. He just told me he was O K, then he made a motion with his hand that he had to leave. It wasn't a great big deal.

  10. Never, and don't really want to...I believe in them, but I would be scared to see, or any poltergeist activity.

  11. well the word is GHOSTS, anyway, yes people can really see ghosts, especially in haunted houses or areas, have you ever heard of  A Haunting, it is a show on the discovery channel, that is based on eye witness accounts, they have people who have really seen entities and apparitions and have heard people walking up the stairs when no one was walking up the stairs, here let me tell you more,A Haunting is a television series on Discovery Channel that, according to its website[1] chronicles the "terrifying true stories of the paranormal told by people who experienced real-life horror tales." It presents the stories of people who believe that they have lived in haunted houses, or have been the victim of a personal haunting

    Each one-hour episode dramatizes ghost stories based on true events. The show presents these stories through cinematic reenactments of the events along with accounts from the eyewitnesses and investigators themselves. The reenactments depict fantastic events (stigmata, demon attacks, possessions, transmutations, etc.) that are never alluded to by the eyewitnesses. The series showcases only supernatural events that many viewers would find disturbing and terrifying.

    The show began as two feature-length specials ("A Haunting in Connecticut" and "A Haunting in Georgia") developed by Allison Erkelens, who also served as head writer. The specials were executive produced by Tom Naughton and Nicolas Valcour for New Dominion Pictures. Based on strong ratings, "A Haunting" became a one-hour series on The Discovery Channel produced by Larry Silverman.

    [edit] Episode Format

    A narrator presents the story of a haunting via dramatic reenactments, interviews with eyewitnesses and investigators.

    Episodes have featured:


    Poltergeist activity


    Unexplained sounds

    Possessed or controlled individuals

    Demon activity

    Episodes typically conclude with the haunting resolved via home exorcism, home blessing, or people bailing it.

    [edit] Cast

    Narrator: Anthony Call

  12. Yes, I have seen and felt a ghost.

    I was living in a rented house at the time, and one night when sleeping I woke with a pain on the side of my neck, it felt like someones arm was pressing down on me.  As I tried to sit up the whole of my body felt like it was shaking and I was unable to move.  I managed to push my arm out to the side of me and hit what felt like someones leg, with my hand I then could feel the hair and top of a head, with this I panicked and jolted up, I thought someone had broken into the house, but when I looked at the foot of my bed I saw a young man with bare shoulders curled up.

    I jumped out of my bed and ran to my sister's house, she lived nearby.

    I never went back to the house on my own after that.  

    Since then I have been told a young man who used to live there had hung himself in the nearby woods.

  13. Only after 6 shots of rum and coke.

  14. Hi

    My g*y neighbours next door have ghost's, I once heard them talking about something putting the willys up them.

    Ray West York's. U.K.

    Christ! I suppose that serves me right, sitting here in the dark I've just caught the printer with my foot and it started up, scared the c**p out of me.

  15. Science has to look at this kind of information and at least say there is a mountain of personal experience that while the majority may not be true a least a few situations have to have some merit. I have experience many thing which I try to explain away but some of just can't be explained.  I had a door shake in my house nothing else did. Maybe foundation working loose but why didn't anything else shake.  At a job I worked.  I kept hearing someone say "hey" just the equipment making noises, again it happened in another part of the room.

    The third time I nearly jumped out of my skin because I knew for sure it was a human voice and right behind me. Other co-workers had eerie situations and to find out even the construction workers that built the building had seen strange lights.  My friend had strange things go on at her house but again maybe reasonable until her watch came up missing and later show up in the place that she had checked over not once but several times. She lives alone, no one could have moved it.

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