
Can you really succeed without going to college?

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Look at these celebrites that bragging about the millions they make but my dad say they have to trust people with that money and they don't even get to see that money. But they still succeed. If Jay-Z walked into a store to buy a pair of tennis shoes, 90% chance that he may get those shoes for free. But you or me walked in that store, we have to pay full price.

Is there really a chance to succeed without going to college?




  1. some people can make it big without going to college, but I wouldnt chance it.

    I'm deff going to college.

  2. some can make it big but it's sometimes very rare and hard

    it's always good to have a college degree nowadays to fall back on

  3. It's a LOT harder.  And your dad is right, the ones who do are at the mercy of college educated accountants, business managers, lawyers and so on.

    It's a lot better to go for a sure thing than a million-to-one shot at being a celebrity with a 12th grade education.

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