
Can you receive unemployment insurance if you get fired from your job?

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Can you receive unemployment insurance if you get fired from your job?




  1. Depends.  If you were fired through no fault of your own, you probably can.  If you were fired "for cause", then you will not.

  2. You have to purchase it before you get fired.

  3. Sometimes yes. It depends on the circumstances of you getting fired. Its always a good idea to file anyways just in case and also it may qualify you for retraining programs.

    Unless you stole or told ur boss to go f@ck himself then you should be able to qualify. And yes the number of insurable comes into play when determining if and how long you qualify for.

  4. Usually they only give this out for a lay off, but it really depends on why and under what circumstances caused them firing you

  5. Eh at least when it happened to me it was a big No there is rules to how they give unemployment benefits and usaully if you get fired they wont give you benefits.

  6. Yes--if you have worked long enough.

    **I've gotten it twice.  Once because my company shut down, and of course we were all laid off.  And the other time when I got fired because my back went out.

    I don't think we can buy unemployment in America, I've never heard of that.

  7. Here is how you can obtain it.

    Call Manpower or another temporary agency.  Work for a company for one day.

    Then work for another company for one day.

    After you have two days of working for a company after you were fired, then you are not required to be effected by the third employer back.   So, after the second one-day job, file for unemployment.

    Nice trick.

    .........and it works.

    Good luck!

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