
Can you recommend a good board game, under $20, for teens?

by Guest56668  |  earlier

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I thought that might be something different and I need to mail the gift, so that would be easy to mail, for Christmas.




  1. If your teen likes strategy games like chess, checkers, and chinese checkers, then I have a game available called Swarm.  I am the creator and am in the process of trying to get it on the market.  The basic set has 2-player, 3-player, and 6-player boards with the pieces for 6 to play.  The game is easy to learn.  Oh, The set is 20.00 plus shipping which is 5.00.  The shipping box is the game box.  If you are interested, there is more info on the links below.

  2. phase 10 or skipbo

  3. Catch Phrase kept a group of 13-15 yr olds busy at my house recently. May have to watch for a sale though. Usually about $25.

  4. I am a teenager and i like to play bingo. I'm not sure how much it costs though. I also like uno and phase 10 is my favorite game!

  5. apples to apples


    catch phrase



    loaded question

    20 q

    in a pickle

    deal or no deal DVD game

    mad gab


  6. Pentago - It's one of the best boardgames I've ever played.  The more you play it, the more challenging it gets!

    2 players.

  7. It's not a board game, but Rubik's cubes are great gifts. They are also very easy to send.

  8. This is THE BEST.

    Apples to Apples

    No matter who your company is, they will not be too cool to have fun with this one.


  9. "Sequence"  is a good game-not certain of the price, but should be less than $20.

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