
Can you recommend a good digital camera?

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Hi i'm going on vacation soon and would really like to take good pics. I'd like one that the battery last a few hours and also the picture quality to be great. Any recommendations? I don't want to pics to be blurry. Also a good flash to take nice pics in the night will be awesome.

My budget is nothing more than $500 though.

Thanks for your help.

May God Bless you and your family :)




  1. ok i have three choices for u my friend i was just like u and i am even a photographer i am experience and i have three great cameras




    now each of this cameras have advantages but for ur budget i suggest

    best: cannon

    good: Olyumpuis

    average: sony

    the cannon cameras are specifically called cannon lXY digital they have 7.1 megapixel and if they fall it wont break

    the olympuis are the styluis series the best is probably olympuis styluis 700 and they are weather proof but the battery takes 5 hours to charge and hardly last 4 hours it is also 7.1 megapixel (the olympuis is also weatherproof)

    the sony is your average camera with a really good price but only 5.1 megapixel and it is called the cybershot it is a big series some of the cameras are better but cost like 400 dollars but a rip of

    casio is also a great company of cameras they have big screens and usually above 8 megapixel

    now this is just a review

    cannon; good: light not too thick reliable good battery

               bad: not a big screen it borders the price of 300 to 600

    olympuis; good: can survive rugged conditions weatherproof 7.1 mgapix

                 bad: battery doesnt last long and stakes 5 hours to charge

    sony; good: very very reliable weatherproof some of them are a good price

    bad: some have a bad price and most of them are an average kind of camera

    good luck

  2. a camera is just a tool.

    good pics are all about the photographer.

    want proof? ok click the link.

    the best advice I can give is to get a $450 camera and spend the extra $50 on how-to photography books.

    you can compare cameras and get comprehensive reviews at

  3. In that price range, my recommendation would be the Nikon D40.

  4. i'm definitely not a photographer, but i got my nikon coolpix camera about 2 years ago and it is the most amazing gift i've ever gotten. It takes extremely nice pictures, and not a single one are blurry. I've taken pictures at concerts, on the beach, at christmas, and random days in the house and i've never had a problem with them. I have an S6 model, but like i said i got it about 2 years ago, so i would suggest getting one of the newer models. Mine cost 460$ when i bought it.

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