
Can you recommend a hotel in Paris? (Personal recommendations only)?

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I am looking for personal recommendations for a hotel in Paris.

Budget is less than £120 for a double room, and would like it to be close to the river, as central as possible. Please, only recommendations from people who have stayed there, and reasons why you recommend it. Thanks!




  1. Best budget hotel on paris, without a doubt is


    Sharp  and clean, excellent wealthy area, right next to the hilton. For a place like this, price is the best you could find, 59 Euros for the twin or doubleon weekends, 115 Euros on weekdays.

    Check services and pictures on this website

    You couldnt go wrong with this believe me, is a regular with me and my family

  2. Hotel Bassano just off Champs Elise. Reasonable and central

  3. I've only ever been to Paris once and stayed up in Montmartre [Pigalle].  The hotel my partner and me stayed at [bed & breakfast] was the hotel duperre. . .

    Montmartre is the red-light district of Paris but don't worry about that.  It's by far the most friendly and laid back place on Earth.

    Montmartre Paris

    If you are travelling from UK to Fance [Paris] best way is via Eurostar from St. Pancras [London] to Gare du Nord [Paris] - journey time 2.15hrs.

    EuroStar 208mph

    When you leav St. Pancras [London] your Eurostar express will be on the Par du Calais highspeed raceway in one hour.

    Eurostar arrivee Gare du Nord Paris

    Interactive map of Paris

    Map showing location of Hotel Montmartre-duperre Paris

  4. I have stayed several times at the Best Western Gare de L'est. It is in the Gare d'lest rail station. Very convenient for traveling the city. The rooms are large for Paris, air conditioned, modern bathrooms w/ hair dryers. As with all train stations, several beggars lurking around the train station, but lots of police around.  

  5. We stayed at St. Germain Aramis which is really a Best Western Hotel. It was way cuter than we had expected. I liked it because it was next to 2 Subway stations. It meets your price range. Check out the reviews on

  6. Hi There,

    Why don't you try trip adviser on for honest reviews. I travel alot around europe and i will always look at those sites first. I can honestly say they are always 100% spot on.

  7. Hotel de la Sorbonne,

    it is in the latin quarter and is a short walk for the notre dame and the Seine.

    It is also close to metro stations to access other parts of Paris.

    Staff are very friendly and I would defiantly stay there again.

    I went in April and it had just finished being refurbished.

    Rooms and bathrooms are quite small but your in Paris why would you want to stay in your hotel room?

  8. I have been staying in the same hotel on many of my frequent trips to Paris for over 30 years. Its the Hotel St. Andre des Arts at 66 rue St. Andre des Arts in the 6th arrondissment. A double costs 89 € (about £70). The price includes a simple French breakfast of Cafe au Lait and bread plus all taxes. All rooms have en suite shower and WC.

    Its just one block north of the famous Blvd. St. Germain and the Odeon metro stop. Its a short walk to the Seine, Notre Dame and the Place St. Michel. Its a  15 minute stroll to the Louvre, 20 minutes to the Musee D'orsay, and 10 minutes to the Cluny Museum.

    The immediate neighborhood is very lively and filled with cafes, restaurants, bars, little shops, and street stands selling sandwichs, crepes, and gyros. The ancient street market on the rue Buci is at the end of the block. The famous Restaurant Allard is a block away as is the Procope, the oldest restaurant in Paris and once the favorite of such luminaires as Voltaire, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Molière, Danton and Robespierre. The Mazet, where Jim Morrison had his last drink in public, is across the street.

    Mind you, this is a very simple and unpretentious place. There is no elevator, no minibars, no cable TV (or any TV at all), no room service, and the furniture is a hodge podge of well worn items picked up here and there by the owner over the years. I usually stay in the same room and the furniture hasn't changed or been replaced in thirty years. But its clean and serviceable and, for me, at this point, just like coming home.

    The staff are invariably friendly and many are former students of the owner, a philosophy professor or his wife, a talented artist.

    You can book at this website and advance reservations are a must as this place is very popular and has a loyal following:

    Other hotels I can personally reccomend in this general area:  

    Hotel de Nesle [about  Ã‚£ 80] ( )  

    Hotel Saint Jacques [about £110] ( )

    NB: With due respect to the other answers, they are all suggesting places which are most certainly NOT in the center. The center of Paris, both geographic and historic, is Notre Dame. La Defense is a western suburb of Paris for example and a horrible place for a tourist. Montmarte, is on the north side of the city and inconvenient for traveling to many of the popular tourist sights and while it is certainly safe, its best known for s*x shops, prostitutes and clip joints. Even a hotel on the Champs Elysee is not in the center nor close to the river.

  9. hotel ibis near la gare du nord

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