
Can you recommend an excellent talk radio host in your area (nonsyndicated) who I can listen to online?

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I am open to both liberal and conservative hosts, although not surprisingly I am more inclined toward conservative view points. I am also open

to other subjects besides politics. I know all of the synidicated players, but finding a local gem is harder to do. Thanks.




  1. Well, I live in Dallas, and we have a great duo of Talk Show hosts Mid-days named Ernie & Jay on KRLD AM can listen on- line from 10 Am- 2PM Central time, at They are both in the middle on everything and very funny. Also for a conservative point of view there is syndicated host Mike Gallagher. He is local to Dallas, and does 2 hours locally and 2 hours mornings syndicated. You can check the internet for a list of his stations, he also wrote a book you can get at any Barnes & Noble called Surrounded by Idiots, As a person who wants to make talk radio my profession I listen to quite a bit of people across the board.  

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