
Can you recommend any good global warming-related company stocks or commodities to invest in?

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It fighting global warming is going to be costly, I want to offset that with some green profits!




  1. That's the right attitude, make some money and help the environment.

    This is one that I like if it ever goes public:

    Wind power is another area I like. The two in India have been very busy lately:

    And there is ocean power, wave, tide, current, generators:

    You would need to research the companies yourself to determine if they would be a good investment, but these are some that I am interested in.

  2. In the short term oil companies and biofuels are probably good investments.  In the long term I think the bulk of electric power will have to come from solar power. (As long as we don't hit one of those cycles that decrease solar output so much, lol!) It's hard to determine which small companies will be big winners, since they may not have even been formed yet, but I think there are large companies that are well-positioned to keep right on chugging as we move away from a fossil fuel based economy.  BP and GE are two that come to mind.  Another one is Bechtel, because no matter what happens I think there will be lots of new infrastructure built, and they're always right there to build big expensive things.

    EDIT: Sorry, didn't realize Bechtel was privately held.

  3. "green" stocks are extremely expensive right now, relative to the rest of the market.  It's the new bubble...venture there today at your own peril.

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