
Can you recommend to me some not so common adjectives that i might present in our lecture?

by  |  earlier

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and if you think

you can, some

synonyms regarding

that word as well

thank you for the time ^^




  1. Edit:

    Hypnopompic = preventing sleep

    Lewd = indecent

    Lickerish = greedy

    Mantic = divinely inspired

    metagnostic = beyond understanding

    Nictitant = winking

    niveous = snowy

    Polypod = many-legged

    Prosodemic = infectious

    Prurient = having indecent desires

    rabid = mad, furious

    Roric = dewy

    Roborean = strong

    Sagacious = wise

    Saponaceous = slippery

    Scrannel = weak

    Telic = purposive, showing intention

    Uberous = abundant, fruitful

    Viscid /viskid/ = vicious

    Anguine = like a snake

    Binotonous = consisting of two notes

    Cannular = hollow

    Circumspect = cautious

    I hope that's enough for now!

  2. before i can give you adjectives, i need to know what you are describing.

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