
Can you record EVP (paranormal) with both digital and analog?

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I'm interested in recording EVPs, but does it have to be analog [like a tape recorder] or can it be digital, like a recorder on a cell phone or computer? My tape recorder isn't working at the moment. : [




  1. since the digital recorders have come out that is all my team uses, we then transfer it unto the computer right into the sound software program which helps us clean up white noise. This way when we do catch anything we can place it on disk.

  2. If you can record any evidence of any paranormal activity whatsoever, using either digital or analog technology, that would be very interesting to examine.

    Evidence of any sort is never ignored just because of the technology used.  So use whatever you have.


  3. Richard D, your answer is really funny, an EVP is a sound, no one has ever "seen" one.

    I have been told that both work, but digital works better.

  4. Good point, I tried it with analogue cassette a few years back in a recording studio.* I can't see any reason that it wouldn't work on digital too if EVP is an attempt by spirits to contact us.

    *Interesting results, well, disturbing would be more accurate...

  5. I'm sure that you could record an EVP with a tape recorder, but you may have trouble being able to hear if you have recorded an EVP without the equipment/software to cut out some of the 'foreground' audio to actually hear the EVP. My husband and I use a digital recorder and when we want to review a recording, we load it into the computer and use a program to isolate a certain section of recording where we may hear something we want to check out further. He filters out some of the background noise and then we are able to hear it more clearly.  Then we save that section of the recording if it does include a distinguishable EVP.      

    It's really cool when you do discover you've actually recorded a disembodied voice - a little startling at first, but then you see life (and death) in a whole different way.

    Good luck with your investigating!

  6. Well,  I have just heard of these pattern like sounds coming from radios, tape recorders,  crystal sets, but not the other.  But I would think anywhere there is any kind of background noises, people could interpret the pattern sounds as being voices.

    The really serious parapsychologist really pays little attention to the EVPs today,  and modern reports in the parapsychological literature show nothing that indicates that there is anything paranormal about these types of recordings.

  7. It does not matter either one is good.


  8. Have you actually ever personally seen an "EVP", whatever that is?

  9. If you cannot record EVP's with your present equipment.It may not be the equipment at all.

  10. It seems that serious EVP investigators transfer the audio to the computer to analyze there anyway, so might as well use digital. Digital recorders also don't have the mechanical noise that analog tape recorders do, and that can improve the clarity of your recordings and eliminate the need for an external microphone. However, make sure you get a digital recorder that records at 44.1 kHz (the CD standard) and uses the WMA format (uses some data compression but it's better quality than MP3). Most digitial voice recorders are not of this quality, so look around. The Olympus DS-2 is a good one. If you get a voice recorder that records at 8 kHz or 16 kHz with heavy data compression, the quality will be so bad that you're sure to get nothing useful out of it.

    Good luck with the EVPs. I haven't heard any that I thought were compelling, but maybe you'll be first to record one.

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