
Can you recover if you try to forgive and move on?

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How can you recover after being cheated on if you choose to give the other person another chance? She claims she was out of it and didn't do it willingly.




  1. Please...give me a break..She knew what she was doing. How old is she 18 and younger. If she is mature and has a healthy relationship with you. then she was being clever and wanting some strange.

    Good Luck

  2. 1 day at a time honey.

    Good luck.

  3. Cheating is the worse of betrayal, I have heard of very few that really do make it work after one cheats, but it usually ends in divorce.  I could never trust my ex-husband again, and he couldn't stop cheating.

  4. You can try however everytime you see this person it will be hard because the trust and forgiveness is not there.

    Why waste your time?

  5. Should you decide to continue to commit to this person, you must understand that you can never forget it. But you can forgive. Thing won't be the same, but why not make it better? But to have a successful relationship after being cheated on, you must not see "cheater" as the first two or three things you see in them. Trust will be hard to gain. Honesty will be quietly questioned. Resentment will be hard to avoid. If you have the control and patience to want to be with this person still, then it'll work out. But if you have doubts and you feel even a little hesitant to give in to them again, then it'll only build up.

    Good luck.

  6. I recovered after I left.  The pain was too much   It maybe different for others.  

  7. Ok, she claims she didn't cheat this right? BULL. . .she knew what she was doing. Forgiving someone that was unfaithful will be one of the hardest things you will ever do. It will always be in the back of you mind that they did it and you will always expect them to do it again. Without honesty and trust in a relationship, you have nothing.

  8. Christ said Adultery is grounds for a relationship because you can not build a sound life with somebody who cheats, lies, destroys the trust you are trying to build. In one case he warned a woman go and sin no more. If you think she will never do it again then forgive her and try again. If you can't then it will be a sword that will hack at a relationship therefore, move on without her. That's as simple as I can put it.

  9. You can recover why not.  It depends on your relationship with him.  Depending how deep is your love.  But if you really want to let him go and you really can't stand the things he did well just forgive and forget.  Move on and life is beautiful.

  10. I dunno.. can you ??  I couldn't.

  11. Refuse to believe her bullshit excuses and go find yourself someone better.  

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