
Can you refreeze thawed out bloodworms?

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I am REALLY forgetful and once again i left the frozen bloodworms out on the counter after feeding my fish last night. I know that for people you can't refreeze meat after it's been thawed.. but what about bloodworms for fish? I'm going through bloodworms like crazy here... but it's the only thing my ultra picky beta will eat. ( and my rummy nosed tetras LOVE them!) SO... will i hurt the fish if i feed them refrozen worms?




  1. No, it won't hurt the fish!

  2. No it shouldnt hurt the fish.

  3. The reasons for not re-freezing fish food are the same as the ones for human food. That is, harmful bacteria can grow in a very short time, at temperatures above 40 F they grow very rapidly, and even at freezing temperatures they never completely stop growing,only slow down. Any food (for any animal) should be regarded as spoiled or spoiling once it's thawed.

  4. I wouldn't refreeze. Just keep in refrig. a few days then pitch.

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