
Can you rehab a man against his will with the wrong people/community?

by  |  earlier

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Particularly when the man was raised with high moral values ( made a mistake and served time), highly educated with over 18 years of professional service in the country, and the people/community are of loose morals (as one explained 'anything goes in our families'), higly promiscuous, drugs, and prostitution.




  1. Againt his will, no. Rehabilitation comes from within as someone else here has already said.

    If the community in which the man will be living is going to be counter productive to his rehabilitation, why does he not move to another location, where there will be less temptation for recidivism, or as you put it where 'anything goes'?

  2. No, he would have to want to do it for himself.  One day at a time...  If his community is cleaned up and he wishes to continue his behavior he will seek it else where.

  3. rehab or "rebirth" is not something that happens outside of a person.  It is an inside job.  The social climate he is in can have effects on his behavior, but doesn't have to, no matter how extreme.

    Peace comes from within the soul/mind/heart, not within the neighborhood.

    I respectfully but totally disagree with the lady above me.  We change our thinking by taking right actions, and observing the blessings that come from serving others.  Not the other way around.

  4. I think you have a career in sermonizing ahead of you.

  5. As humans we are social animals with a strong desire for acceptance and belonging.  There is such a thing as moral contamination.  If the person did not want to become sick like the environment, one would need to find alliances in the community with those who had similar goals and values.  The only way people can change the way they act is by first changing the way they think and believe.

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