
Can you relate to this poem....?

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Can you relate to this poem, can you understand how the characters feel?

I would like to know hwat affects it has apon you.

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"Escaping his arms"

The day is dark, The day is bad,

I awake to the bark, Of my dad,

Screamin' at mum, And at me,

We try and run, We try to flea,

My father searches, But cannot find,

We are hiding, Much far behind,

In the morning he finds me,

Cuddling just myself, I can’t see.

My mother is gone, I’m left alone,

With my dad, i can’t believe it,

He's so mad, What has happened,

I don’t know, He told me to get up,

He told me to go, I left that day,

As he said so. I never returned to that place.

Never came back, Too afraid of his face.





  1. the first thing clearly is how awful it must be to live in fear of this abusive controling father

    but deeper then that theres this scary thought that the mother is gone. was she taken and hurt by the father? or could she have left the child alone at the hands of this cruel man? was her need to survive greater then her love for her child?

    finally the father is the only thing the child has left and for him to turn his back must leave an overwhelming lonelyness that would stay with you forever.

    its a very moving poem.

  2. First of all, spelling correction, "flee" not "flea"

    It's really nice, it fits all together as a story and a poem. I can't exactly relate to the feeling as my dad wasn't abusive, but you did capture the moment, this is how I interpret the characters, obviously the dad is angry, you are afraid, yet obedient, your mother is there one moment not the next, therefore she either fled (without you for some reason, this conclusion doesn't make much sense as you were together before you awaken). The title escaping his arms doesn't really fit though, as in the poem you were not in his arms.

    It's a very maturely written poem though and I was only being a critic because you asked, I am really in awe of the creative genius you are. =)

  3. You don't like your dad he's abusive and a b*****d.

  4. i same like you!~

  5. Cant even begin to describe the feeling. Dark black cold lenely horrorfied. I know it hhappens, it happened to a lot of my friends. I don't get why. I had a friend whose step dad would bash them with a wooden spoon till it broke. She ran a way from home more times then I could count but the court made her go back. how can people do this to each other, especially their own family.

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