Can you relate to this poem, can you understand how the characters feel?
I would like to know hwat affects it has apon you.
The most honest answer get's best answer.
"Escaping his arms"
The day is dark, The day is bad,
I awake to the bark, Of my dad,
Screamin' at mum, And at me,
We try and run, We try to flea,
My father searches, But cannot find,
We are hiding, Much far behind,
In the morning he finds me,
Cuddling just myself, I can’t see.
My mother is gone, I’m left alone,
With my dad, i can’t believe it,
He's so mad, What has happened,
I don’t know, He told me to get up,
He told me to go, I left that day,
As he said so. I never returned to that place.
Never came back, Too afraid of his face.