
Can you remember a car called Renault 25. Or is it just my imagination. ?

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  1. Just an extra to flubster's reply concerning the  poncy advert for the Renault 25. (Incidentally, although big beauty says her dad's was awful, I had several, and they were good cars).

    The ad was filmed on Clifton Suspension bridge, As flubster points out in his reply, the posh wife was the last to know that her husband was setting up on his own, and he says, 'Oh. and another thing, the company car will have to go back.'

    According to a Renault executive I knew, (so the story may be apochryphal), the car they used in the advert gave a lot of mechanical trouble during the shoot, so when the husband told the wife the car would have to go back, her reply was, 'Thank f*** for that!'

  2. yes there was 1

  3. Not your imagination, here it is........

  4. Yes I remember the Renault 25 - big 'executive' type of deal sort of equivalent to the Ford Granada of the time. The tv ad for it was priceless - posh husband and wife are in the Renault - he's told everyone including the gardener that he's starting up his own business and the wife is the last to know - hilarious!!!!

  5. Yep my dad had a grey one for about 6 weeks. It had orange seat covers and was awful so we as children made him get rid of it ,

  6. Not your imagination, I owned a Reault 25 ten years ago.

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