
Can you remember a time when snow was up to the bedroom window?

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Can you remember a time when snow was up to the bedroom window?




  1. nope ive never seen snow

  2. No, never!!

  3. about 7 yrs. ago in Maine, we had a glass  front door and when we moved the curtain to look outside, the snow was about 3/4 the way up the door, we couldn't even get out, it was so funny, I took a pic of it! SNOW DAY no work that day,  

  4. Nope, that's never happened here, only in some parts but not that bad, that would be so cool i think!



  5. no  

  6. yes and Santa was real

  7. i can't even remember the last time it snowed up to the kerb

  8. Yes - it was very deep that year - I live on the fifteenth floor

  9. usually it dosent snow where i live

  10. that would be so cool to wake up to that

    we don't get much snow here in Cali ;)

  11. Yeah when I was in Greenland.  

  12. No.

    Unless someone lived in a basement!

  13. It was about two feet below my window. I was two I think, but if it happened now I would probably do something stupid, like try to sled down it from the second floor window. So it was for the best, being short-lived and all.

  14. no

  15. eh nope,I'm on the 1st floor,so that would of been pretty freaky.

  16. HA! snow! whats snow?

  17. No, but I can remember the ocean waves were up to the window!!

  18. No never unfortunately. I live in a part of australia where it never snows.But at least we have hot chrissys with lots of BBQ's =]  

  19. No, but I'd be happy never to see snow in the UK ever again!!!!

  20. never...

  21. Yes in the 1980s down in the south we always had snow in january.

    We would make tunnels but in the last 20 years none.

    sign of our warming climate.

  22. I've been a Floridian my whole life,so no.Never even seen it once,"in person" that is.

  23. I reside in a windowless void.

  24. never! i rember when it was up to my knees!

  25. yeah, its about Mid-December.

  26. Yes I do.

    Every winter, December to February, snow was guaranteed.

    But it was 30-40 years ago.

  27. Nope I live in the middle of Alabama.

    I do recall when we had about 2 inches of snow and building a snow man. That was like in the early 90's.

  28. in january..

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