
Can you remember what you were doing when you heard that Princess Diana had died?

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wow.. so many responces.. thanks guys. I too remember being woken by our lodger who knocked on my bedroom, and shouted out.. Diana has been killed in a car crash.. he was a bit strange so we thought.. what a weirdo and horrible thing to joke about. We too spent the entire day glued to the telly, in actual fact, I don't even remember seeing anyone walking down the was a weird day.




  1. I think this is an excellent question and a thoughtful one two.

    She would be touched that you asked.

      Here in America I heard about it on the news and I was in complete and utter shock!  I watched the entire funeral, pretty much crying and trying not to cry, well, basically blubbering!  I felt sorry for her children.  My son was only 2 or 3 at that time, and that really hit home for me.

    Those princes were so young--I was so proud of them, how they walked in the funeral procession.

    I still remember all the flowers piled up high!  So touching!

    I've never seen a more beautiful funeral fit for a princess--that says a lot about who you are as country, a people, human history really.  All this went through my mind while I was trying to act like a Brit with a stiff upper lip.   I failed miserably!

    The day after she died, I had tickets in Boston to see Irish Dancing.  I was looking forward to it--honestly, I was so upset (I remember that wedding gown!)  I do not even remember the show!

  2. I got up early and put the radio on as always do every morning and it come on there I thought NO WAY so had to put television on as could not believe it the television stayed on all day watching every single min.

    My mom phoned me very early just in case I had not heard the news as well she had heard it very early hours as she does not sleep well and had radio on.

    I remember how  upset the newsreader was he was almost crying so did I so sad.

  3. Eating breakfast and listening to the radio

  4. Yes I was on holiday in the English Lakes listening to the radio. I thought I had misheard it and had to wait for a repeat.

    I then went to the pencil museum

  5. I had just got in home after driving from Gt Yarmouth. I put the TV on in my bedroom while getting ready for bed and heard she had been badly injured in a crash. I had a couple of hours sleep and put the TV on again only to hear breaking news, "Diana, princess of Wales has died" I went straight into my mum and dads room to tell them and when i got to next room I was sobbing uncontrollably and could hardly get the words " she`s dead" out.

  6. I was watching TV. It was the evening news.  I was probably the last person on the planet to hear about it because I'd been working nights and had been asleep all day

  7. Yes, i remember, i was breaking up with my boyfriend. He'd been seeing someone behind my back, id' just found out & was asking him about it. He said it was true & that the woman was the love of his life, so i asked why he was still living with me ?

    Anyway, while we were talking/shouting, the TV was on & both of  us just stopped when we heard the news. Seemed to me the whole world had gone mad, sad thing.

  8. Yes i was comin back from my cousins engagement party x

  9. working nights.

  10. it was 6am jus got up wiv kids put the telly on and couldnt believe what i was seeing so checked all channels and had a little cry.x

  11. Yes, I was getting ready to go and work behind a bar at lunchtime. Strange atmosphere that day.

  12. I was out in Nigeria (mrg worked there) when the maid announced that "your beautiful Princess of Wales has died"........I then joined her and watched it all unfold on CNN! Because that's all she did was watch CNN whilst I cleaned the house!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Yep - came down stairs to make a cup of tea and turned tv on waiting for kettle to boil. Then....Sat in the kitchen for the next few hours with my other half unable to believe what i was seeing. Still feel that sense of loss today. A very surreal morning all in all.

  14. I was working in A&E with a car crash victim. A very weird day for me.

  15. I was in Bairro Alto in Lisbon watching mtv when there appeared on the screen

    'Morreu da princessa de gales'.

    It seemed surreal, it continued to do so, even after I read it in the papers, It was only when I went home and read it in the British press that it became real.

  16. Sure do,  I was on the M1 heading home to London it was about 5-30 am and a newsflash come on the radio, my first thought was there is something not right about this, people like the Princes of Wales do not die in car crashes

  17. yeah in a caravan on holiday in wales with the kids.

  18. I was home that weekend visiting my parents.  Around 10 pm Central Daylight Time (in Texas), My dad, who was a cable news addict, called everyone into the den to watch CNN.  That was about the last weekend I spent with my parents before he died the following February, so I'll always associate Princess Diana's death with my dad.

  19. I was really young... like 5 and I remember that my favorite Beanie Baby I had in my hand was ironically named Diana.... it was purple

  20. At the risk of being lynched, I can honestly say that I can't remember where I was or what I was doing that day.

    Also, some answerers say they felt a deep sense of loss which they still feel today but I don't really understand how they can feel it that strongly when she was a person none of us really knew. We only knew what the media wanted us to know.  Hopefully now, 10 years later, we can finally get past it.

  21. I was getting ready to go & do a days overtime at work.  I didn't go into work because of the news headline I heard on GMTV.  It's a bit of an annoyance actually as I lost £70 that day!  ÃƒÂ‚£70 that wouold have gone a long way back in 1997.  I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about then, and can't now.  I lost my Dad a year before she popped her clogs & in my honest opinion he did a damned sight more for ordinary people than she did.  Difference was he didn't have Elton John singing eulogies to him at his funeral.

    Controversially, she was just a parasite like the rest of the Royal Family.  Certainly she wasn't "Princess of Hearts" as she has been portrayed since her death, to me.

  22. I was watching the reports of her accident, and coincidentally, I had been watching a movie when the first reports came over the tv.  So I stayed up to watch.

  23. Mother Teresa was A far better person in my eyes than Princess Di Ever was.

    They Died only days apart I think The World was so caught up with the whole Princess Di thing and her death that no one even cared about Mother Teresa.

    The previous summer Princess Di was asked to travel to Ireland on a peace trip there, but later refused, instead ended up on a luxury ship in the Mediterranean cavorting with Dodi Al fad.........

    Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, died on September 5, 1997, in her convent in India. She was 87. Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in 1910 in Skopje, Yugoslavia, she joined the Sisters of Loreto in 1928. She took the name "Teresa" after St. Teresa of Lisieux, patroness of the Missionaries.

    Mother Teresa gained worldwide acclaim with her tireless efforts on behalf of world peace. Her work brought her numerous humanitarian awards, including : the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. In receiving this award, Mother Teresa revolutionized the award ceremony. She insisted on a departure from the ceremonial banquet and asked that the funds, $6,000 be donated to the poor in Calcutta. This money would permit her to feed hundreds for a year. She is stated to have said that earthly rewards were important only if they helped her help the world’s needy.

    Mother Teresa stood for so much, nation wide, as she toured the world abroad . 100 countrys in a year in her eightys as sick as a dog in attempts to save & help the poor in Calcutta, for those who don't know.

  24. Yep, like it was yesterday, I was on top of my girlfriend of the time(Sam) and we had the radio on to cover up certain sounds;-) and it as announced, LOL what a passion killer that was I can tell you, the Guards at Buckingham Palace were the only thing standing to attention after that bombshell!

  25. Yes I was in bed watching in unfold on tv. Absolutely knackered in work but I could never have switched the telly off and gone to sleep

  26. Yes I was in my bedroom staying up late reading my book and listening to talk sport. But it was called talk radio at that point. Although it was about 4am when the news said that she had been in a crash, and it wasnt until the morning when I found out the full extent of it. Very sad for the princes.


  27. I was watching tv with my mom.

  28. Yep, I was in bed watching tv too and I heard my mum shout out to my dad "shes only died".  Thats when I sprung out of bed and went out and asked what she was talking about.  Then that afternoon I went for a drive to Southend (I live in Kent) and had the radio on and each radio station was just playing music all day and there were no DJ's talking on the radio at all that day.  It was a very spooky weird feeling.  I remember it as if it was yesterday.

  29. eating breakfast. and trying to figure out why all the tv channels had prince charles on. untill someone then re-anounced that diana had died. i then understood.

  30. I was in bed asleep - my 10 yr old son woke me up to tell me.  Went with my husband & kids to see Men in Black at the cinema later that afternoon.

  31. I remember...everyone screaming about that morning..It was hectic..and I didn't even know what was going on [partially because I was only 1 and a half then] and why everyone was crying.

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