
Can you repair subwoofer cables?

by  |  earlier

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My dog chewed up the subwoofer cable and it will not be easy to replace. The cable was put in before dry wall when it was all exposed. Any easy way to just put in the new connector?




  1. Should be easy for a tech.  Remember, most service people can 't aford what you are asking them to repair.  Be Nice,

  2. ouch.1) if you know an electrician call him. they may be able to pull in the new cable using the existing cable, as long as it isn't stapled or nailed to the studs.  otherwise:

    2) wire strippers and a trip to Radio Shack for new connectors. Its not easy.

  3. A subwoofer cable is usually a coaxial cable with an RCA tip. Relatively easy to repair. You could even do yourself (Cut off cable, prepare end and attach plug), but probably better if you call on a techy friend. If necessary get a new connector from an electronics store ... about $2-$4. Get one that accepts the diameter cable you have. Good as new (almost).

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