
Can you request not to receive phone books?

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I don't use them, when you can find anything online. I didn't ask for them. A waste of paper I put them in the recycling bin but doesn't seem right. 3 huge ones this year just got dropped on my porch. I think they should ask if you would like one before they give you one. I know its how they make money with the advertising but its an antiquated idea. I am trying to teach my kids conservation and yet there is so much waste around us.

Am I alone in this thought?

Thank you




  1. I deliver phone books.  It is how I make a good deal of the extra income my family needs each year.  I know that in this day and time it does seem sort of outdated, but there is still a  percentage of people that do not have computers in their homes, nor do they have internet access.  I get a total of four different phone books where I live mainly because I live very close to the county line and in between two very decent sized towns.  I can understand the fustration-but one thing I ask, If a person comes to you to deliver a phone book ...please just graciously accept it.  It breaks all concentration on the road and in the delivery system to be flagged down, chased down, close to run down by folks that just want to tell you that they dont want to get the phone book you are delivering.  It is unsafe for the delivery person...and frankly, a bit scary to see a stranger running towards their vehicle as many do. I've had people start yelling at me to not deliver books (not just to them but to their neighbors as well.   So please, if you want to work towards reducing waste- do so-but leave the phone book delivery person alone in this.  They are innocent workers just trying to make money at a seasonal job.   Also, we get paid by the book...the more we deliver, the more we make.  If we had to ask each and every person if they wanted one, we would make no money.  Most folks are not even at home when we drop off their book.  It is an unrealistic thought that we would ask before giving each resident his or her book.   Just some thoughts there to be considered.  God bless!

  2. You are not alone.  I don't have an answer for you, but your question spurred me on to go to the Infotel web page and request that they don't send me a new book this year.  I asked them to confirm via email, so I guess I won't know if it's "possible" until I hear back.  Perhaps that's a place for you to start.

  3. That's always been a pet peeve of mine, too.  When I saw your question, I decided to do some research.  I found opt-out phone numbers and other information at the website

    "AT&T/YellowPages (formerly SBC and Bell South):  1.800.792.2665

    Verizon (Idearc):  1.888.266.5965

    Dex:  1.877.243.8339

    Yellow Book:   1.800.373.3280 or 1.800.373.2324

    The major players use a tactic called "saturation distribution" that means that you may get books even if you don't have a land line. is one of the only resources I found who is working on this issue. "

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