
Can you ride english on a paint???? I NEED ANSWERS!!?

by Guest31796  |  earlier

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i thought it didnt matter it depended on how they were trained but i also heard different that they were only western

PLZ i need answers




  1. Duh! A horse can be used for any discipline. Thoroughbreds can be used for barrel racing. Paints and QHs can be used for jumping. It all depends on the individual horse. And while a Paint may be bred for Western, they still can and do excel in English. See:

  2. yeah, any horse can ride any diciplin. They IN MY OPINION, are not the BEST jumpers, but can be good. i Ride i paint english and i jump him and he is trying to get it down

  3. YES of course they can! I can't believe some of you answer no.. you can't ride english on them- my friend from pony club rides a gorgeous paint horse (gorgeous markings and has that nice slim horsey figure) and is fantastic at jumping and dressage.

    Breed doesn't matter- its the training. I might buy this skewbald paint that is at my barn- she's gorgeous and does only english.. obviously the people that say no have no real knowledge about disciplines or breeds...


    Just so you know, there are paint warmbloods- paint hanoverians etc. Any horse can do anything with the proper training.

    My friend owns a TB, she knows any horse can do anything with the right training, but she still doesn't really like paints all that much- she just doesn't like some of the colours (like the overo paints.. I too prefer skewbald tobiano paints) but even she knows any horse can do anything. I have seen heavy horses jump for goodness sakes.

    If you honestly believe that for one second a certain breed or colour can't do a certain discipline, then you need to experience more in the horse world...

    Its not the breed or colour, its the horse and their willingness;)

  4. Yes, any breed can be ridden any discipline, they just have to be trained correctly. I ride at a fairly proper barn where one of the horses my trainer picked out for a student to buy/board is a Paint, trained Hunter. So, yes, you can ride English on a Paint. :)

  5. Yes! Of course you can. I think the people who are saying no are pulling your leg. Paints tend not to look as "traditional" but I think they are beautiful and if they are trained correctly there's no reason you can't show with them.

  6. of course they can be ridden english. at my barn we have a lot of paints that are ridden english and they do great in shows.i dont know why people would tell you they can only be ridden western.....

  7. NOPE!!!!!!!   Its totally against the rules!!!!   Shame on you for thinking they could do something as go English!!

  8. Well yeah I mean why not?  No horse breed can be restricted to only one dicipline.  My Paint?  yeah... I ride her English!  She's my dressage horse and she doesnt even Neck-rein!! So yes.  You can.  You can do whatever on whatever breed as long as they are trained for it!

  9. Absolutely!  Of course you can.  If you can communicate the movements to your horse, you can ride in any discipline you choose.  My friend has a beautiful paint warmblood dressage horse.  He is marvelous, a beautiful mover.  Accept no limitations!!!!!!  

  10. I ride a mustang paint bareback, western, and english!

  11. I dont see why not I have seen plenty of english riders on a paint its just that most people prefer TBs  

  12. Can i just ask what would make you think you cant? a HORSE IS A HORSE IS A HORSE, you do with it what it can do, color and breed matter not, its more a matter of conformation and tempermant..

  13. You can ride any horse at any discipline you want to train it at. Obviously some breeds are better at some disciplines than others, but overall if you train a horse to jump it can jump, and you can train a paint to do English.  

  14. Yes!!!!!!!!!! Any breed can be ridden English just depends on how they were trained :)

  15. I own a paint and I ride western. Besides, paints look better in a western saddle. I mean, paints look funny with a english saddle on. Where I come from, not one person rides english.

  16. of course you can!  Many people do.  One of the top dressage horses in our area is a registered paint.  I have a paint that's 1/2 TB and I ride her english.  You can ride any horse or pony in any way you want!

    Now, in some circles, you're going to find people who don't like loud colored animals and have other oppinions that other's don't share.  

  17. Nope, sorry. It's just not allowed.

  18. ya color doesn't matter

  19. Oh for crying out loud. That isn't going to matter. A horse is horse. Whoever told you that needs a slap.

  20. You can ride English on a paint. No reason why they would be unable to learn how. Now I know some English  shows used to discriminate against paints in judging because of the flash, but it doesn't mean they aren't capable.  

  21. OK. You can totally ride them english. We have 2 paints in my barn. One does hunter/jumper only. The other does dressage.

  22. Sure! Most horses can be ridden in any class, and do great at it!  

  23. OMG NO!  DON'T DO IT!!!

  24. you can ride anything english they'll do fine its just at a show sometimes judges turn their noses up at paints, apps, buckskins and colors like that I found when I did equestrian the judges loved the chestnut color best then Palominos and Bays

  25. NO! WhY did you ever tHiNk that they could be rOde engliSh? that's cRaZy talk.

  26. I know of several beautiful paints going hunter and doing great!

  27. yeah you can=] some people just think they look better western like it seems like paints,qh, appys look better western and warmbloods look better jumping,morgans and saddelbreds look good racking/saddelseat. its basicly what you want to do with them because most paints are lazy and thoroghbreds usally are high spirited so the race.

  28. Of course paints can be english! they are super flashy!

  29. With a question like this... you need to stick to riding the bench for a while.

  30. There are lots of paint horses being ridden english, and doing great at it.

  31. omg my horse that i ride english is a pinto witch is almost the same but not really!!!!!!!!!!!

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