
Can you ride roller coasters at 5 weeks pregnant?

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I know that alot of the rides advise you not to ride if you are pregnant, but I am wondering if that goes for your whole pregnancy or just when you are bigger and farther along.




  1. it goes for the whole pregnancy. the 1st trimester is when the most miscarriages happen. you can still go on rides just not the roller coasters..good luck!

  2. No i wudnt thnk so..i wudnt even attempt riskin it if i where u!! Me+my boyf took my wee boy 2 a big theme park there over the summer and i avoided all rides bcus i'm pregnant!

  3. No. In your first trimester you have 20% chance of miscarrying. So you shouldn't take that risk.

  4. nope srry

    answer tihs

  5. nope, sorry

  6. No it isn't

  7. no you cant...especially 5 weeks! you have a chance of miscarriage!

  8. Nope you cant because you could end up with a miscarriage

  9. no! never ride a rollercoaster while being pregnant!

  10. I dont think you are supposed to. I did however I didnt find out I was pregnant until after I had been to the amusement park. I feaked out about it for a little bit but my son was fine. I guess its all just about what you are willing to risk. Im sure the chance of hurting your baby at that age is very minimal but it is still there.

  11. You cant ride a roller coaster even if your a day pregnet  

  12. i dont think so!

  13. You're not supposed to but my first pregnancy (I didn't find out until I was almost 2 months)...we went to Magic Mountain and rode a few roller coasters at a little less than 5 weeks. Thank God my baby came out fine and I had a normal pregnancy with no complications. Please make a wise choice..roller coasters are fun but your health and baby's much more important..once you have this baby you'll be on a lifelong rollercoaster of  fun!!

  14. That's definitely a bad idea! Plus, why would you want to? I can't even imagine riding one right now without being miserable from breast pain from all the shaking or from getting too nauseous!

  15. No you can not at any stage of your pregnancy.

  16. Definitely not. It is not recommended at any point in your pregnancy. Although you may not be showing yet, this is just one of the many small (there will be larger changes as well) you have to make for baby sake.

    Good luck, happy pregnancy

  17. no you cant i wouldnt reccomend it as previous posters have said youre chance of suffering a miscarraige at this stage are far greater than after the 12 week mark but its still not safe to do so .you risk harming youre unborn child youve got plenty of time to ride on rollercoasters after youre baby is born xx

  18. ha ha..mys husband and I are avid amusement park goers and he asked me the same thing today..i wouldnt recommend it

    increases adrenaline, speeds up your heart rate and can make you dizzy..not good for baby

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