
Can you run a 1976 bedford tk 330 on pure veg oil?

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it has a perkins 330 diesel engine. if not pure veg oil at what ratio should i mix the fuel if possible.




  1. yes, but it may need a conversion (the conversion certaintly wouldn't hurt) For directions on how to do this(it is fairly simple) get the book "From the fryer to the fuel tank" it gives detailed directions and explanations.

  2. its a tank! itll run on CLEAN straight veg oil... but by october it'll need a  heater or the oil goes glaggy, and waxes up.

    DONT use oil from dirty dans burger vans... A it stinks, and B it;ll eat the injector distributor pump innards which arent protected from the equivalent of alien blood... cooked in oil is very acidic..

    i know coz my volvo was run on dirty dan oil.. it cost me 300 to sort it out, but that was 4years ago, i stil own it and use it daily...

  3. yup my daddy did =] x

    smelt like a chip fryer, everyone knew =] x

  4. Wow a bedford tk 330 that smells like used fish frying oil. Think I'd rather go for global warming, lol

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