
Can you run your car on water? HHO gas?

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I was just watching a thing on Youtube about running your car on water. Does anyone have any success stories? Has anyone converted their car to run on water?




  1. No success story, it is actually possible to create energy with water, but doing so in not efficient enough for cars. I got an e-mail that offered a car that ran of water and gasoline lol.... I'm guessing as far as current  technology goes... Its not yet possible to do in our cars today.

  2. Only if you boil the water to make steam.

  3. there is no stored energy in water, it is a stable substance.

    therefore running cars on water is a pipe dream.

    The whole reason gasoline and other hydrocarbons can be used for fuel is that when they burn (break down chemically) they go to a lower energy level, thus giving off some energy that can be harnessed.

  4. You would need an initial source of energy to break the water down to Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) through hydrolysis. This can be achieved with either a connection to 120/240V house electricity or a battery charged while the vehicle is running.

    Once there is a suitable amount of fuel and oxygen, Hydrogen would be ignited in small quantities (combining again with the Oxygen) and releasing enough energy in the reaction to both propel the vehicle and continue combustion. The end result is H2O, water.

    Most of the sites touting 'run your car on water' are scams, but the idea they're aiming for is sound. The main issue they don't address is that their 'conversion kits' make no adjustments to the air intake for the engine - you can add as much extra hydrogen as you want to the combustion chambers but if you do not add extra air, you'll be left with unignited fuel.

    Incidentally, using a similar process on gasoline allows for a straight Hydrogen-Oxygen reaction and keeping the waste Carbon isolated and not releasing it into the atmosphere.

  5. Speaking from personal experience, trial and error, and weeks of experiments with SEVERAL HHO generators - I can answer YES, but with caution.

    I spent weeks trying out different HHO gens (all from ebay) and each one works so much differently. The ones in PVC pipes usually output a decent amount of gas (depending directly upon what electrolyzer you use in the water) but their crude design does not allow you to see what's going on inside and you cannot tell if your mix is doing good or not.

    Then there are the wire designs, which put out okay - but not the best.

    I finally built one using the best qualities of different models all put together, and I output around 1.5-1.75 litres/minute - which is really good for the size of the generator and for the electrolyte I am using.

    There are many factors involved in whether an HHO generator will work well or not. The major factors are:

    1. what are the electrodes made of, how well will they conduct electricity and how quickly will they corrode?

    2. What electrolyte mixture are you using in the water (electrolyte is required to make the water conduct electricity to split the hydrogen and oxygen)

    3. how much oxygen are you involving in the gas out to the engine?

    4. How many o2 sensors does your vehicle have and how will they react to the extra oxygen they will detect? (sometimes the o2 sensors will detect more oxygen and increase your fuel ratio to compensate for it - I personally have not had this problem, but have heard others record it)

    Speaking from my personal experience with the generator I now use and build, I have literally TRIPLED my gas mileage.

    At first, with a cheaply-built generator - I only got a 23% increase on MPG. But now with my new design, I have tripled my gas mileage.

    So yes, it does work if you have the right Generator and if you know a little about the process.

  6. Simple answer:  NO

    HHO = H2O is just water so HHO gas is just water vapor. Now steam engines run on HHO gas, but we think of them as powered by coal or good old firewood. Steam engines can be powered by gas or diesel or even solar power, but the point is that the POWER source is the important thing.

    Running your car on hydrogen would be great if there was hydrogen around, but actually the stuff has to be made - hydrogen is not a source of power to run anything until someone uses some power source to create it in the first place (all the free hydrogen on earth has reacted to form (mostly) water).

  7. i had the same question i was told no because what doesnt explode such as gas

  8. Have you seen any adds for converting your fireplace to water?  How about a kitchen stove?  Use you own common sense, and save your money.

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