
Can you sacrifice animals for religious purposes?

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Can you sacrifice animals for religious purposes?




  1. Not anymore. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and now we don't sacrifice animals anymore.

  2. No, you would be killing the animal for no reason. Don't you know that Jesus Christ was the Lamb that died for our sins.

  3. Can I or may I?

    The Jews practiced animal sacrifice until the Romans destroyed the temple at Jerusalem.  About 37 years earlier, the Romans executed a man outside the walls of Jerusalem, unknowingly participating in the last and most important sacrifice of all time.  The condemned man was both the priest and the sacrifice, and he was offering his own life to God.

    Animal sacrifices are no longer needed.

  4. Anything can be justified religiously if you really want it to be.

  5. Someone tries to sacrifice my dog, or my Invisible Dragon, they're going to have to answer to an even higher authority:  My double barreled shotgun!

  6. Many people do sacrifice animals for religious purposes. However, it is not something that I would personally care to do.  

  7. I could probably kill a chicken or even fish, that I would clean and BBQ after the ritual (of course).  But anything bigger than that? No - probably not. I'm a big softie when it comes to animals. If I had to kill my own cattle and pigs -- I'd become a vegetarian. I don't eat a lot of pork or beef anyway, but...

  8. Yes, but you may face opposition by nosy neighbors and christian activists.  You also have to be careful of local codes concerning pets and livestock in your area.

  9. No, why would you want to?

  10. Very few religions still do this. I believe it is done in Santeria, and it is legal. Usually only chickens, I think.

    PS. Love Desiree's answer! LOL

  11. it depends on what your religion calls for.

  12. No, but I can most certainly sacrifice them for feeding purposes

  13. Sacrifice of animals ended with the New Testament. Christ was the great and final sacrfice. Sacrificed animals are no longer recognized by God.

    Sacrifice of animals was orginally a symbol of the sacrifice the Savior would make in the future.  

  14. In the US, yes.

    The Supreme Court decided that a Florida ordinances that blocked Santerians from sacrificing animals violated the !st Amendment..

  15. You can, but it makes a **** of a mess...

    Try following Jesus..2 easy to follow commandments..

  16. I can; but I don't like to, so I don't.

  17. I think a few religions still do it.  The Jews will resume animal sacrifices once the temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem.  

  18. Sure but God no longer recognizes them

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