
Can you say d**n on the radio?

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I want to play Blood Sweat & Tears' Lucretia MacEvil on a small radio station, and the word d**n is uttered once, would I get in trouble with the FCC?




  1. You can say d**n on radio............ and it IS allowed.

    There are a lot of songs out there now that do have a few swear words in them. The MAJOR ones like the F word. You know. F*CK  lol.

    USUALLY gets beeped out. Sometimes late out night you'll hear it though.

  2. d**n straight you can.

    You can say anything you want on the radio.

    The FCC has a list of words and how often they're allowed to be said.

    Violation of that list results in fines if reported.

    Just because you can say anything you want on the radio doesn't mean it's allowed.

    But, d**n itself is a minor word and won't cause trouble.

    The FCC watches out for the biggies.

  3. d**n , @ss, and I believe b***h is ok also. I've heard all those words.

  4. It's not a question of what you can say and what you can't. It's your call. But please always consider your listeners when you utter words such us 'd**n'. What effect will it cause to kids who are listening? Will it be okay for you if your baby brother or sister utters the word 'd**n' because she / he heard it over the radio?

  5. You can say d**n.  But you can't say Goddamn.

  6. you can say anything but the big ones

    the F word

    the C word

    and that sort of thing

    depending on ya time slot as well i believe

    its in a song so it will be fine

    good luck

    should webcast it for us

    will improve the listener base for your station

    i lil trick i learned .....

    if there is a bad word or something u think might be offensive.....

    then just flick the cd volume slider down for the second that the word is on

    peopel wont even notice

  7. Yes, But if you say the F word... Could be trouble!!

  8. You can say d**n, a**, and b**ch on most stations, but that's about as bad as it gets. One on Q102 I heard someone say g**d**n and it wasn't bleeped out.

  9. Yes, that one's OK. The problem, as expressed by many terrestrial radio executives, is that the FCC who handles such things and hands out stiff fines for breaking the rules - won't define the rules.

    What radio execs want is a clear set of guidelines as to what is and isn't obscene. "What can we say and do without breaking the rules and generating a fine?"

    Seems like a reasonable request. There's rules in Football, there's the rules of the road, there are very specific definitions of the legality of certain actions. But no rules for radio operators to follow. Just a vague reference to meeting "community standards" that radio operators have to figure out for themselves. And Lord help them if they get it wrong. Some broadcasters have been fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for breaking a rule that isn't written down clearly anywhere.

    -a guy named duh

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