
Can you say in your life you find it easy to step into the unknown?

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Can you say in your life you find it easy to step into the unknown?




  1. The unknown?  You mean future?  No, it’s not real easy. It would be much easier if I had a couple million dollars in the bank.

    Jeff (weseye) Wesley

  2. No.  I like my comfort zone.  The unknown is very scary to me.  I've stayed at bad jobs for years after I knew I should move on just because I didn't want to go someplace new.  I don't like new things.

  3. if i know that the unknown will get me to place i want

  4. yes and no… once would have gone with yes… but as we get older we’ve started to lose our wonder lust… sigh… we’ll just stay home and watch the roses grow… then again give us half a reason… now that we’ve got that target… we’ll get there…  prices and consequences be damned…  

  5. i'm a routine kind of guy. when i step out of that element i guess you'd say i panic. stepping into the unknown is definitely not easy for me.

  6. "I Don't Know" Is My Opportunity to Learn.

    The unknown is my invitation to the future.  It is not always easy, but it is always there.  Learning is perpetual reassurance.

  7.    Every day...we must step forward, but it's not always easy.

  8. I would not know for every step I've taken has been into the unknown . It's been quite a trip so far .

  9. Definitely!  New and unknown is an exciting challenge.  After my divorce, I went to college as a single mom.  After graduating from college, I joined AmeriCorps and did a year of service.  In 2000, I had the opportunity to spend a year in Turkey teaching English as a foreign language!  Talk about unknown!  But wow! One of the best experiences of my life!!

  10. it is not easy

    it is not difficult

    it is natural



  11. For the most part I have no choice in the matter, I'm usually thrown into a new and scary situation every few months or so. By the time I finish one us another begins; I may set myself up for it unconsciously, I dunno.

    I do fear dying.

  12. It was hard at first but became easier. Having a dance partner such as Kali one gets use to it.

    EDIT: Well a little use to being suprised, I don't think

    I'll ever get used to it.

  13. Well, we seem to do this everyday, but when we need to try something new and take the "direction unknown" it can be hard.  

    The steps are easy when you've traveled the same roads, some may be different, but they are familiar.

    The steps are hard when you have never known anything different and you are forced to step into this "unknown".

    Good question....I have been thinking about this a lot.

  14. The unknown is a relative (matter); its capacity of its vagueness gets more intense, in proportion to the number of destroyed relations ( with the elements of the subject in hand).

    In sum, the less relation we have, the more likely to easily step into the unknown. For relations designate knowledge, when the unknown designate ignorance, paradox, or perplexity.  

  15. i think its not to say easy but something we always do in our life.

    we r always stepping into the unknown world of future of our life .its something we always do.even if we dont want its wat we have to do.if not our life has no meaning and one day mayb or may b not we will find the true meaning to our life. but there is one unknown world that we have to definetly enter but cannot explain wat it is

    and that is..


  16. I do like to look before I leap, but it won't stop me from leaping unless I see something really scary on the other side.  A mere uncertainty won't stop me.

  17. Unknown is fearful to many.

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