
Can you say "I love you" and what's your sign?

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Is it a phrase you find easy to say to your friends, family or partner? Which signs do you think say it sooner or more often, and which signs have the most trouble? Which signs prefer actions to words?




  1. i find it difficult to say ''i love you''. i have repressed emotions. and i'm an aries.

  2. I have no problem saying it when it is the truth. I tell my friends that I love them all the time...Because I do love them, and treasure them very much.

    I think the aspects in your chart would have much more to do with it than your sign though...I don't like Sun sign bias, because it's not enough information.

    Libra w/ Cancer Moon

  3. I say it too much and too soon, i am Aquarious.

  4. Yeah, I have never had a problem saying that.  I think the signs that would take a little longer than most to say it would be the air signs becuase they're usually too busy trying to cheat, and taurus and scorpio, because they need to be sure.

  5. It's easy when it's the friendly I love you..

    But the love felt between two people, it's hard for me.

    I don't say it unless I mean it.

    I'm a Scorpio!

  6. u cannot say i love you unless i have known the person for a year, and i truely do trust them. Even if i do love them, i will not say it untill i know they are loyal and trustful. Its hard for me to open up and just say it


  7. It is hard for me to say it at the right time.  The last time I said "I love you", some chaos happend; I'm a Libra.

  8. to friends only, i say it often(but only if i mean it)

    if i'm in love, then it's hard for me to say.

    probably because it means more than it would if i said it to my friends.

    i prefer actions to words. scorpio sun, moon & venus. leo mars & libra mercury*; pisces rising.

  9. I'm a Virgo and I have a hard time saying it.  I would NEVER say it unless I meant it.  It's embarrassing for me to express emotions (especially verbalize them) to people who I don't completely trust.

  10. My sign is Pisces

    I say it only to my best Friend and I really mean it every time but I never said it to my family

    I haven't said is to any one else I don't have a Boy Friend and I won't say it until I fall in love with someone

  11. Cannot say it "I love you" in person. I never have said it. But I do say "Lylab or Lylas" which is short for "love you like a bro/sis" That's the closest I have ever gotten.


  12. I love you can be one of the hardest things to say to someone.  But when you really mean it, you should always say it.  You're going to regret it if you dont.

    It takes courage to say it.  I find it easier to say I hate you versus I love you.  Its because you are a lot more vurneable when you say I love you.

    Im an Aries

  13. I dont say that phrase very often !

  14. i think you will find Cancer has the record on that one...

    They say it first and often.

    Yes, I am a cancer

    I Think Libra or Sag would be the show-me-don't-tell-me signs

  15. I rarley say to my husband that i love him, I rather show it to him then say it. I find it very hard to say those words. Same for my husband he also shows me that he loves me.

    I'm a Leo and he's a Aries.

  16. Cancer- I try to never ever say that phrase, it just doesn't feel comfortable with me.

  17. i dont know of the other signs, but im a virgo. and i find it easy to say i love you to my friends and family..but i must admit that i find it hard to tell that to a guy whom i like

  18. i say  I hate you and go to h**l

  19. I find it impossible to say it to my friends and family, and I can say it only to my girlfriend.

  20. First off, I'm a Cancer girl.

    I say it easily to my family (though it's hard for me to say it to my step family and my actual father sometimes). I say it to my friends a lot (ones that I really love though). Its easy to say it to them. My partner on the other hand...Basically, I love him. I've never said it out loud though. This is actually the first time I admitted it haha. Weird. Well, he's a Scorpio. Scorpios take that word seriously. That's why my man wont say it. I can see that he does though. I haven't said it because I'm scared and I want to make sure it's true. I don't throw that word around. Scorpios like words to reassure them but sexual actions to seal the deal. That's all I know.I hope this answered your question in a way....

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