
Can you say that obama is 50% White and 50% Black?

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His mamma is white poeple.. so he's mixed or whatever you want to call it.... it's not gonna be a white house if he wins, cause his mamma is gonna be there.. it'll be an Oreo House at best.

your thoughts?




  1. Technically, he is.I say the right man for the right job, regardless of ethnicity.I sure wouldn't want someone not knowing what to do, running the country.You are entitled to your own opinion-that is what America is all about- FREEDOM- that is why Obama is where he is at.I don't very much care for people who which to restrict freedoms based on stereotypical prejudices- do you?If you really are Latin, you would realize what I said is true.

    On a hypothetical situation, suppose you are having a heart attack on an Island where there is only one hospital staffed with only one heart specialist, a Black doctor, and, a White janitor-who would you want to treat you-bet you, ethnicity wouldn't play a role, but qualifications would.

  2. Well, biologically he's 50% white and 50% black.  He was raised by his white mom, so that would make him maybe 75% white.  But his environment growing up would have looked at him as black, and he would have felt this and accepted it, so that puts him back to around 50% each...not that it matters.

  3. dammit, why does it matter at this point? why can't his politics just speak for him? cripes, just let it go already. and for the record, to call a black person an "oreo" is a huge insult. biracial, or not.

  4. That obama is 50% White and 50% Black...hey look I can say it!!

  5. What difference does it make?If he is elected it is by the vote of the people.Hurrah hurrah hurrah He is not my choice but neither have been others in the oval office.

  6. you kno, no one can really say, thats why i dont worry about skin color cause it doesnt matter.

  7. I think the White House is called "white" because it's painted white, hun. You're confused. And Obama is mixed with more than black and white. He's multi-Cultured.

  8. I don't know.  Is his father 100% black?  Is his mother 100% white?  Then I guess you could say that.

    Most people in this world are mixed, not just in America.  

  9. He's supposed to be, yes.  

  10. I consider him that, although his racial makeup doesn't really matter to me.  The fact is he is a biracial man.  

  11. Spelled people btw.

    Obama is 6% black.  

  12. The man considers himself black.  That's all that matters.  

    And this is a really ignorant question.

  13. What the division.  Isn't amazing when a black person does something that is worth mentioning the color issue is so much in the forefront and his color and percentage of it is in question.  Don't forget it was the white man who labeled everyone who wasn't white, black.  They are gradually changing it now because the population of blacks was becoming too big.  Now there is hispanics, blacks/whites who are the majority,  They soon will break than down further but the thing is people fall for it all the time because they are not as smart as they claim.  It is called divide to conquer.  They will never allow any one group besides the white group to be too big.

  14. Not unless you choose to perpetuate the racist one-drop-rule ( ) that says if you have 1 drop of black blood you are black. This is racist (you can say you're half anything but black) and scientifically flawed - 46 genes make up the human genome and we get exactly half, 23, from each parent, regardless of race. In other words, BLACK DOES NOT DOMINATE. Obama is biracial and is doing biracial people, esp biracial children a disservice by continuing this racist "rule" and "one race" label that isolates them from their families by forcing them to claim one race. He was raised an environment experienced by biracial, not black people. And for the people who say he's black because of his looks, "looks" don't constitute claim to a race. People of all races resemble people of others, and "looks" aren't the only genetic material races pass on. If Obama wants to be this "race uniter" he needs to start within himself. And by refusing to refer to him with a "one race" "black" label, we can end the isolation that biracial people have to experience with or without his help.

  15. your question makes no sense

    genetically is he 50% white and 50% black? who knows, human history goes back 3 million years so he can be mixed with ANYTHING

    but as far as ethno-culturally speaking, yes, hes half black half white

  16. yeah he is an oreo so ppl need to stop calling him black cuz he is biracial. yes he is black just as much as he is white so he is going to be the first biracial president okay..get it right pplz


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