
Can you see a time when Brits turn to violent protest to get this Government to act in our best interests?

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I hate violence but all these marches etc are totally ignored by the government. The last protest that got a decision overturned was the Poll Tax riots. Does it really take this to make this Government listen to the people? Peacefull protest doesn't seem to work at all any more, is easily ignored and blocked when it becomes politically embarrasing.




  1. Protest is illegal. Anybody caught protesting will be met with the full weight of the law.

    New Labour (We are your masters)

  2. Bring back Guy Fawkes and his pals/.

  3. No you have no guns you will only be mowed down . Just get a boat and leave .

  4. There's always going to be a few people who like a good punch-up and who are prepared to take on the police.  They make absolutely no difference to government policy - in fact, in the case of the miners, it merely stiffened government resolve.  

    Poll tax wasn't overturned by riots.  It was overturned by local Tory parties threatening to disaffiliate from Maggie's parliamentary party.  Remember that the result was VAT nearly doubling and record inflation.  Hardly a great result.

    If you want to change things, use your vote.  If there's no-one you want to vote for, stand.  Just remember that we've got a democracy and you can't force people to agree with your self-interest, even by violent protest.

  5. I doubt it.

    Generally, that isn't the British public way...its usually ranting amongst themselves...not taking the opportunity when its not bothering or refusing to vote on an election (saying, what's the lot is as bad as the next)....then just...paying up...and shutting up!

    I would like to see a more politically demonstrative British society...but I think it might be a case of ....a total re-training of the British mindset.

  6. well, as we're now not allowed to protest anywhere near parliament (taking away our freedom of speech or what?), i don't think anything you do will take any notice.

    though hopefully the people of this country will realise that they have to get off their backsides and do something, instead of leaving it to the small activists who are trying to make a difference.

    don't just moan about it, get out there and do something...

    though i don't know, i agree that peacefull protest isn't working, but i wouldn't like to see this nation descend into violence against the government...that makes us no better than the terrorists...

  7. Brilliant answer from "Old know all".   I can`t improve on that.

  8. Not the Brits. But the Brits have some new immigrants that sure like to turn violent.

  9. What are you 13, please grow up

  10. Sadly yes being decent and responsible means being a mug so far as they are concerned

  11. The poll tax went - instead we got the community charge.  Any difference?

    Violence and mass demonstrations serve no purpose...They get hijacked by people who only want trouble and care SFA about the cause.

    We "still"  live in a democracy. We all moan, but tell me what do you and others really do about your moans. Write - write and write again to your MP, the newspapers, here on line - wherever.  Make yourself heard.  If you complain enough - you might finally get some of our overpaid representative to wake their ideas up - instead of spending their afternoons masturbating - if they are still able.

    Look at Parliament on TV - get some of those overpaid Labour MP's off their backsides and doing something rather than just towing the party line. Most of them and all the others would not know what a day's work was if it hit them in the face. Too busy putting in their expense accounts.  BUT - start to give these people a conscience.  If enough of us complained - they should finally realise that it is us they represent not their corrupt parties. We all moan about benefits - these lazy people are on benefit too..

  12. I am not a violent person, but I sincerely hope that we are brave enough to do something against what is being done in our name, mostly here, but also abroad.

  13. why should that load of tossers in Westminster take any notice of us we voted them in and we let them run the country as they want ripping us off[speaker of the house700.000pounds to do his house up 191.000 for air con!]and we as good well trained Brits say nothing as for protests they could find something in the prevention of terrorism act to probably lock you up for suggesting this they got it covered

  14. I think, a million people on to the streets, would be difficult, for any Government to ignore.

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