
Can you see a time when people give up cars/driving?

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It seems the UK government wants us all to just stop driving and give up cars. Can you see a time when this ever happens? If so, where would all the money come from to replace the lost revenue from fuel, tax etc?




  1. If one lives in a large city or downtown, one might consider not having a car...if you add up all the expenses that go with owning a vehicle, well just do the math...if you might be able to get away with not owning one then it will/would be a change, but one would get used to it.

  2. Nope.  I could never see it happening.

    People like the personal freedom it gives them and it is going to be very difficult to give that up.

  3. Yeah when we start traveling with jet packs

  4. It wont happen. I cant imagine it ever happening. How could major political figures go to press conferences etc by public trnasport. It would be suicidal for them. Not to mention a complete nightmare for the rest of the public. My answer is no I cant.

  5. Nope I can't

  6. Well i am not going to drive to the train station anymore i am going to attempt to walk or jog it.

  7. yes, of course it will happen. Cars have been around for just 100 years or so, thats an infitesimally small time compared to how long humans and technology has been in our history books.

    And i think its a bit arogant when some people think cars are here to stay forever. What ? They think the current population are so great at engineering that there will never, in thousands of years, be anything to beat the car ? Sorry, some of those answers are a bit nieve.

    Cars will disappear, like all leaps forward, we can't see it today because we are so entrenched in the current lifestyle.

    I have an old record player as a ornament in our house. The case says "replace your needle every 10 plays. There is not, and never will be, a needle that lasts any longer than this"

    "people will die if they travel at more than 25 MPH" - that one was from the people who thought trains would not work

    "We forecast the total world requirement for computers is 6 " - IBM in 1971

    The world is full of people who refuse to beleive the world will change.

  8. Maybe in the UK, but it would probably never happen here in the US. I cringe now every time I see a car or truck drive by. My lonely car just sits in a lot (I go to college), it sucks. I honestly miss seeing $2.50/gallon gas, but I will never see that ever again.

    I like the jetpack idea, or, as my friend suggests - naturally learn how to fly. Be pretty sweet if you ask me.

    US government better get its **** in gear before we're really gonna hit rock bottom.

  9. Yes I can but I don't believe it will be because they want to. just look at the price of fuel now, its going up every week. I think some people will be forced to take other means of transport or change jobs just to be able to get to work so more people will not drive. my question is what tax are they going to put on cars if/when they become electric? im sure there think of some other new taxes to bill us people with to get the lost revenue back... maybe there put the price of food, f**s and drink up ? lol.

  10. I believe that as governments continue to penalise drivers with indiscriminate taxation on fuel and emissions there will come a time when fewer people will use cars. I can also see an increase in car crime with many more cars being stolen for fun. This will lead to a massive increase in insurance premiums. With inflation rising quickly, unemployment rising and salaries/wages failing to keep pace with the cost of living something will have to suffer and car sales will fall.

  11. I know that with the gas at $3.50 a gallon, I drive ALOT less.  I tend to do all of my errands in one loop.  I am loking to get a skooter for all my errands that I do in town, like the library, post office, etc.  I am lukcy enough to live on the same street I work on, so I walk or ride my bike to work. We don't need to stop driving, we just need to stop using gas.  Biofuel is not the answer, as we now know.

    As for revenue?  I suggest "junk food" tax.  A 10% tax on all fast food and junk foods, like sodas and such.  Think either how much money can be made of this garbage or, how much of a decrease in obseity there would be thereby decreasing health care costs???  Imagine!

  12. If they had a really good cheap, safe, clean  public transport system than people will use it.   When Ken Livingston was mayor of London the first time round this is what he made available and there was barely a car on the road, so it's possible, I learnt  recently that the reason this stopped was because of some spiteful little Tories who made a challenge in the courts on some small legal technicality of it as they were pist off as it was so popular.

  13. Not many people would be able to even if they wanted to, most people have jobs far away from their house, they need their cars to get a good job. If that did ever happen and there were no cars i think it would be because of the government banning them altogether rather than people choosing to give them up

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