
Can you see it? The panic is starting.. The crowd is pissed.?

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I just LOVE how violent and cruel you liberal types can be when you don't get your way. I guess it is because you have no humility or belief in a higher power. Now you are feeling the threat that Obama simply will not win. 4 more years of conservatism (well, neocon conservatism) in the White House. But no, that is not good enough. You folks want absolute and total Socialism or Communism. I mean, that sounds crazy. What American would vote for tyranny? But if you really look at the ideas, that is exactly what you want. And I am sorry, it will never happen.

So, do you think Democrats want Tyranny and total government power? I mean, some of the ideas Obama and his team are producing are just WHACKED!

So what do you want? Freedom or slavery to the government?




  1. I am voting for Obama because I want to preserve the freedom to not believe in a God, the freedom to be homosexual (if such a mood inspires me), and the freedom to not have my phone calls wiretapped.  

  2. Liberals don't want yu to have what can't be given to them.

    To obscure the fact they have basis for anything they say they yell loudly about some net rumor [must be true--it's on the net ] so no one will notice   Pil-o-s h i t s   hand up their but.

  3. I know it  sounds crazy

    but you're right.

    We want total Socialism or Communism, slavery and tyranny.

    You figured us out .

    Youre too smart for us...

  4. No. What a ridiculous bunch of claptrap. Yes, your comments sound plenty CRAZY too me.  Total government power was what Bush and the Republicans tried to acheive. 2000 - 2006. That's what the Justice Dept. Scandal that forced Gonzalez out was all about.  That's what they said in their own words. They wanted a "permanent Republican majority".

    That's why I will vote for the Democrats on November 4.


  5. They want change.  Obama sure will give it to them, but it's not the kind of change I want.

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