
Can you see spirits with your eyes?

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ones without bodies




  1. HUH?

    Did you mean Can spirits see you without eyes?????

    I'm confused

    Yes you can see spirits with your eyes, not sure about a floating head

    That might help you.....

    Anyways spirits can see us or so told they can but some can't they can just observe gesutres maybe we are just magnetic feilds to them like they are to us....

  2. I don't know if its spirits or auras, but I've talked to several people who say they have and I saw an image of a woman, who had died fifty years before I lived there, that lived in the house I was living in. and two others saw her also.  I know it was her because her granddaughter showed me her picture.  You hear and read about people seeing spirits all the time, it just seems to be some of us like to stay behind, when our body dies.

  3. IF they have enough energy to manifest to a solid. Light into matter, matter into light. This happens when an electron in positron collide to create two Photons. Another to see them is th shift your frequency of consciousness, to tune in like a radio for your brain to process the image, but on;y children who grew is mediums usual have the ability to do this usually.

  4. No I cant, but my friend can. And i believe she can , because when she does i can see some kind of weird shadow on her eyes and she's scared to death at that point of time

  5. yes i know what you mean....and yes you can, they can appear as shadow people, a faint ouline, or a hazey figure / mist...

  6. that would make you rich, well, only you have a gift. it will make you rich because people will call you when you have a haunted house and they pay you sometimes.

  7. Yeah, they're in my mom's Tequila.

  8. Eyes without bodies?? Spirits without bodies? Will you Add Details please and tell us exactly what you meant so we can give you better answers? Thanks!

    Edit..Guess you're not going to tell us.

    Hope you get a name soon!!

  9. If spirits have no bodies then what's there to see?

  10. I can see them with my etheric or astral eyes.

    When I project out of my body ( Astral Projection ) I have seen and spoken to many spirits.  (true)

  11. sort of. What I see is more a filmy sort of energy in the air. I deal with angels mostly and that's what they look like to me. I did flashed once.... Archangel Raphael manifested just enough for me to be able to see the tips of his wings. I can see enough of the energy in the air to be able to see where they're at and watch them move through the room. I can't see anymore because my angels and guides make sure I don't; it used to scare the c**p out of me, so they're taking it all slowly. :)

  12. If I can, I will be a rich man, no?

  13. I found two sites for you.

    I hope this is what you are

    looking for. Have a good day

  14. I can feel them around, and I could see them a few times, briefly. I saw a child in my daughters bedroom once... I saw a woman standing in my living room.

    My daughter was 3 and she saw my father who had passed away months earlier.

    Absolutely natural.


  15. i haven't experienced seeing spirits without actual bodies in human form. i have just seen flashes of people or even animals. not always positive energy's but they are in full body form.

    i often mistake them for people in my family standing in the doorway or sitting on my bed but when i look back no one is there.

    i saw a kinesioligist who is also a psychic and she worked on protection things and said that because now i feel protected my mind should open up to them and allow them to communicate with me

    hope this has some sort of help

  16. I'm not sure how to answer this... but I will try.

    You can see an orb which I believe is the easiest way for a spirit to manifest.

    You can see a "shadow person" which technically does not have a body or solid shape, just a shadowed image of a person no real physical definition.

    Many sensitives sense a spirit and see them in their mind's

    eye. These usually have no visible components.

    I hope this is what you meant.

  17. Erm, is it possible for you to elaborate just a little more so that I can be sure I'm answering you in the right way? Thanks.

  18. yes  a couple that come to mind are, southern comfort and Johnny walker

  19. No, but I can see the thing it wanted to give me.  That was when I was reaching for a fork and it handed me a fork.  All I did was to say "Thank you!"

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