
Can you see the Big Ben from the London Airport in England?

by Guest62679  |  earlier

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just wanted to know cause i am going to London,England as a stop from the long airplane trip I will be going on in July




  1. No.

  2. Get into the Conning Tower of Heathrow with good visibility and there  she is.

  3. Next time come to London and enjoy the fantastic sites .Truly one of the greatest cities in the world,.You may not be able to see Big Ben from the air .but keep your eyes open as your nearing London.You will not see anything as you are taking off apart from the m25 motorway.Have a nice holiday and make sure you put London on your holiday list..You are more than welcome and like millions who come every year.we are all here to offer a welcoming hand.

  4. well, first of all, there are 5 major airports in London: London Heathrow, London Stanstead, London-Luton, London Gatwick and London City and you don't state which one you will be at. But i doubt you can see Big ben from any of them, as they are, apart from london City not located in the city centre

    Also, Big Ben is not the Clock tower, Big Ben is the bell within the clock tower. The tower itself is called St Stehphens Tower

    probably the only way you will be able to see it, is if your lucky, you may be on the correct side of the plane as you fly into one of the Airports

  5. I'm sure you've already read the pedantic answers about how Big Ben is actually the bell, blah blah.  Everyone in the country and the world calls the tower Big Ben, even though it technically isn't.

    It depends which airport you land at, but if you fly into Heathrow, you may get to see it, depending on the flight plan and where you are seated in the plane.

    Once you land, you can't just look out of the terminal and see it, it's too far away and there's plenty of stuff between you and it.

  6. As you fly in to London Heathrow, keep an eye out on the right hand side (ask fro a right hand window seat, not over the wing, when you check in!).

    Flights for half the day fly in from the east, so you fly very low right over the centre of London. Yuo should see docklands, then Tower Brisge, then Big Ben (the Clocktower - see more in my article, below).

    If you're flying out of London, ask for a window seat on the left - you may be lucky twice!

    Does this help, please?

    Alun Hill MCIJ, London Travel Journalist and Broadcaster

    Editor: Is London Expensive

  7. No - you cannot even see Big Ben from the street because Big Ben is the name of the bell in the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster.

    And, no, you cannot see the clock tower from any of the five airports bearing the name London (London City, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, London Luton, London Stanstead)

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