
Can you see the "eggshell" personality in Palin?

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I watched Palin last night. The first time I'd ever taken notice of her.

She seems to have that hard shiny exterior which cracks under pressure. I can see it in her eyes.

I have my doubts she's even going to make it to the election. I think the media pressure will get to her.

But it's only a hunch.Older people tend to notice these things. Do others see what I see - or not ?




  1. Uh, no, but maybe my "old eyes" need a new prescription.

  2. She has the personality of a quacky teenagers !

  3. I think what you saw was the slight hesitations when her teleprompter acted up.

    Now that was pressure lol. I think she handled it remarkably well.

    From another older person ;-)

  4. Eggshell? wow I think she was just nervous her family was getting more camera time than she was....did you see her daughter l*****g her hand and rubbing the babies hair? that was too cute....Oh sorry what? Palin? Palin who?

  5. She looked MANLY... even have a manly chuckle. I bet she's bigger than McCain!

    Obama/Biden 08!!

  6. anyone noticing that during normal day time working hours there are more dems than repubs on answers? They are here enjoying chatting with each other about how bad palin is knowing that she is a major threat to them. none of them seem to be trying to make it laughable.

    lol that makes is laughable to us repubs.

  7. I agree, she did not seem to comfortable up there, but I am voting Obama and I might be bias. But my gut instict says she was hiding her fear. Her family looked scared also and this could hinder her.

  8. As long as the media treats her the same as your messiah she will do fine.

  9. She kills animals for sport and gives oil concessions to GWB's friends to drill in the Arctic.

    Family Values and a Gun Rack!

  10. I don't know... I admit I have my doubts about her. She was hunkered for two days preparing for that speech with the McCain handlers and the speechwriters.  She did show up for one interview with People Magazine; that's not a good sign.   The test will be when she can stand alone without her speechwriters handling the hard press.

    I think that McCain's people did not think she was ready to talk to the press... they wanted her to be holed up until they had a canned speech ready.  Like I said, that's not a good sign.  They have already started going on defense with playing the gender card and calling any criticism sexist.... why didn't SHE do this herself before the speech?

  11. i dont know about all that but i felt she was not very genuine  

  12. No. You're not making any sense at all.

    Have you seen BHO react to hard questions when he doesn't have a prepared answer in front of him?  He's a mess.

  13. That's what she gets for trying to save a few bucks on spackling.

  14.,  I think she would beat any man to pulp.  But, by all means, if its impossible for you to believe a woman can be just as tough as a guy, then go ahead and believe she is "soft" underneath. *sigh*

    She didn't feel comfortable because she is a true outsider.  Yes, at times she looked like the applaud for her was too much and a little embarrasing.  This is called being a humble person.  Unlike Obama, whom is really really right at home on a stage.

  15. I see a woman who is out to divide the nation for political purposes.

    Just another Republican, I suppose.

  16. funny, i saw a very strong woman that is getting blasted by people that "claim" to be pro woman.  These same people are asking why she would leave her family for career.  Gotta love hypocrisy.  I think she handled herself admirably, and those wanting her to fail are digging, but not finding any gold.

  17. Please go back to bed and sleep it off.  Palin showed that She is the right one for the Job.

    GREAT TEAM!!!  McCain and Palin, They have my Vote!!!

  18. She rocks.  She's a fighter.  Now go kneel before your Obama shrine.

  19. Nope.

    If you want an egg comparison try hard boiled.

    Libs won't be able to bite any of it without removing the shell first and good luck doing that.

    Palin isn't just fluff and Biden better watch his 6 during the debates or she'll flame it for him.

  20. You know what, I think I did notice that!

  21.   Funny you asked that question, because I most definitely notice that exact same thing.

  22. I just call her fake. Drunk husband whom she was going to divorce, s**t of a daughter, shotgun wedding, and abuse of her "executive power." Fake they should have changed the signs to "Palin First" lastnight.

  23. I saw nothing but pure determination in her eyes

    A strong outer shell

    A mission for the people

    A love of her country

    A new fresh approach to typical politicians

    She will go far!  

    Just watch!

  24. I have a feeling that she may bow out citing "family priorities", if this is too hard on her family.  I cannot imagine being her daughter and having the scrutiny at her young age.

    And I think she will say some things she'll later regret at the first debate.  

    Those are my gut feelings on her right now.  

  25. No I don't see it...I do see a confused liberal.  You call out Palin and predicts failure when she hit a home run last night.  You see all of her misgivings but see nothing in Zero-bama's character....Maybe my friend... you are blind to the truth.

  26. I am an older person and young man you're on to something.  I think because she is young and impressionable.  She may get to the election but very scared more than she was as a mayor, or as Governor of Alaska.   She appears mean but she ain't !  She's one of these popular girls who doesn't harm anyone as there is other girls in the group who will do that unpopular job.  What back fired was that she adamantly stated her views on family values the some reporter did  some digging and found a gem...

  27. its just a hunch....u may be right...but there is no way of knowing...and never will be, as these politicians hide who really are so well.....

    but im always suspicious when ppl say they can "see it in their eyes"....sometime you can, but its not exactly fair "evidence".....

  28. "eggshell" personality?  Personalities are on a scale now?  What is on one side, and what is on the other?

    :"I can see it in her eyes.".  And you can do this from 1,000 miles away, on TV?  I don't think anyone in the psychoanalysis world would ever attempt such an analysis without even meeting the subject one on one.

    You should be nominated for a Nobel Science prize for your keen observation.  I am going to be hiring a carpenter to work on my house soon, we're replacing our kitchen cabinets.  I will send you a photo of him so you can tell how the job will come out.

  29. Some of you Obamaniacs need to get off your mom's computer.  Didn't school start back up?

  30. I see LIAR Personality in Palin


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