
Can you see/think long-term?

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I can't. I absolutely hate that question during interviews where they ask you where you think you'll be in 5 or 10 ten years. I have yet to hold the same job for longer than a year with the same company and I just can't envision anything long term. Is anyone else like this or does anyone have any insight as to why a person can't see the long-term in things?




  1. I too, don't tend to think long term. I think it's actually a good thing, and it's something I've worked hard not to do.In spirtual philosophy looking ahead ( along with looking aside, comparing and looking behind, dwelling ) is an expression of desire. In the form of  dis-satisfaction with the now.

    To live in the moment is to live authentically.

  2. Actually NO, and I think that's what makes this life a bit exciting. Although doubts will surely come in your head someday, but what the heck as long as you don't hurt other people in the present. Surely that will create a long term effect in the future. I'm also thinking about that same thing, What will happen to me in 10 years? Will I be a failure, Will I live up to the standards of my parents or will I just drowned to my fear and Anxiety. Anyway that's not really important, What's important is our present. There's a saying " Our past doesn't define our future, and Our present defines the future". Some quote huh?, anyway just live your life and try to live life in a good way. Theres another saying that cherish the past, be excited of the future, and live the present Why? cause today is a gift, that's why they call it present.

    That's all the advice i can give. Although I too have my worries of my future. Especially today that my grades are quiet low. But who knows, I may become a trash collector or maybe a janitor. But that's not important, the important thing is i tried to live a man of VIRTUE rather than a man of SUCCESS. Anyway It's really confusing at times, I still don't know a lot of things but maybe someday we will know the reason of some things.

    Anyway good luck to your journey and I hope I succeed ( hahahaha).  

  3. many expectations i place on myself, becoming stressful and anxious...a total bummers...thanks for asking...

  4. I can do but it is hard that anyone who is ten years , face to matter in which he is not intrested

                  but dont worry life is second name of adjustment for common people if you are special person then you can change it for you and other persons..

                 Best of luck for feel free !

  5. Don't worry about it thinking of long term is a bad Idea anyway. You can get past the Interview with some mumbo-jumbo about getting ahead where your at ( use a mix of company loyalty and a self starter attitude it's not that hard to fake it) on a further note if you can set small short term goal then you can take on any project. But if you think long term you are doomed to be overwhelmed by road-blocks and eventually die in a gutter.

  6. If you want to climb a mountain, begin at the top.

    -Zen saying

  7. yes, i can think long term. and i call that imagination. everything ever made, ever been done, ever been produced, ever been made possible...started from imagination. if you can imagine, then you can create something. that's what initially matters...your ability to imagine...because from that, everything else follows. everything becomes possible. we don't have to plan everything step by step. that's suffocating. but at least we can imagine just so we can have somewhere to start from.

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