
Can you see this at my 360 Blog and have any comments on this poem?

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  1. ...kick the can, pogo sticks (where did they go?) Saturday morning matinee (and the 10 minute serial that went with it always leaving a cliff hanger until the next Saturday where you found out a miraculous change of events had occurred)... do I know you? We are of the same childhood... it was a warm trip down memories I had not thought for a long time... thanks for sharing...  I hope you write a few more with that as your subject.

    ... also nice job with setting it up... that's my next major project.

  2. You've covered so much in this piece.  The endless days - all the days around Xmas time - it ALL went slow. Babysitting - I had 3 brothers.  Pogo sticks - needless to say - I almost killed myself on this one.  Street games with the neighborhood kids. Camping trips and sleeping under the stars.  Yes - I had a good childhood.  Thanks for the memories ♥

  3. This is a very good poem

    it talks about many things

    like summer

    because the days were longer

    sun was stronger also

    resulting in shadows

    I think we were all told

    to respect out elders

    even if they were mom and dad

    no back talking

    do our school work

    look after sister or brother

    Summers go by so quick

    then pretty soon they are back in

    school again.

    Holidays like Thanksgiving

    hallowee and Christmas are enough

    to someone excited especially Christmas.

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